Hot mess

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| Anti , a cock lover , finds himself a lover |



3rd person PoV

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3rd person PoV

Do you ever just see someone so attractive and you just feel....attacked???

Because that's how Anti felt about the new student who helped out the coach during cheerleading.

He was a 10/10 in Anti's books. He had a perfectly sculpted face with a sharp jawline that was as sharp as a weeb's katana , he had smooth black hair that looked soft and made Anti want to tangle his fingers into it so badly. He also seemed to be somewhat muscular due to the definitions on his shirt .

And that one time he wiped sweat off of his with the bottom of his shirt, revealing an ever so slightly toned chest which Anti practically engraved into his memory. And last but certainly not least , a personality that resembled the feeling you get when you see a cute animal.

God Anti wanted to be fucked by him so bad . Let's hope he was packing.

There was just a slight problem. As Anti was on the cheer team, which was made up almost entirely of girls. And practically all of them also found him attractive, so Anti was going to have to act fast before someone stole his man-crush.

Luckily he had his chance right here . The girls were getting changed and were heading out . It's go time .

Anti had told the coach he was just gonna practice some more so the coach had told Dark too help Anti if he needed it. Meaning he was all alone with Dark.

And don't worry Anti isn't gonna pull a James Charles , he knew Dark was into men he had asked before.

Anti had made sure that his 'practice ' involved lots of bending over and other such poses that were definitely not holy on this good Christian minecraft server .

However Dark hadn't looked once , making Anti huff. Looks like he'd have to revert to plan b , time to bring out that Anti charm.

Anti headed towards Dark, proceeding to do a few stretches in front of him.

"You do know what effect you have on the people in this group, right?" Anti asks randomly, making the male look up from his phone .

"I do? How so?" Dark asks.

"Well usually when a bunch of teens see someone attractive their hormones do...things to them." Anti hinted .


"Use your imagination." Anti smirks, watching Dark's face go a little red as he figured it out .

"Oh.."  Dark muttered.

"Mhm. I'm one of those people you know..and I was wondering..." He scooted closer , his legs opening to reveal the small gap in his small shorts.

"If you'd help me tonight ~" he looked up at Dark who was blushing.

"I-I uh appreciate the offer b-but I'm not the kind of person for ..that sort of thing ." Dark admitted .

"But perhaps we could get to uh know rReaone another better? You seem pretty nice after all." Dark offers, glancing at Anti who seemed surprised.

"Is something wrong?" Dark asks.

"N-No ones ever asked me that before.." Anti mutters.

"Really...Why's that?" Dark asks. Anti shrugs, eyes on the floor.

" past 'boyfriends' just wanted me for my looks ... I -I guess I just figured that's how relationships work.." Anti confessed, seeming to realise why he was who he was.

"Is ...that why you were trying I get my attention before?" Dark questions, earning a nod from Anti.

Dark moved off the bench , sitting on the floor so he was on the same level as Anti , who by now was curled up with his knees to his chest.

" Anti you shouldn't try to seduce people into a relationship...yes some relationships may work like that but more often than not they end up bad...attraction in a relationship works mostly on how you like their personality , physical attraction comes second most the time..." Dark explains, Anti nodding in understanding.

"I-I understand...thank you." He hugs Dark, which seemed to surprise him, however Dark quickly hugged back, rubbing his back.

"Perhaps...I could show you what a proper relationship should be like?" Dark proposes , though he seemed rather shy about it.

Anti chuckles at that, smiling.

"I-I'd like that."


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