A Pair of Star Crossed Lovers part 1

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| Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair America, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.|

Fluff /a lil bit of smut~


3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

The Ipliers and Septics, two families that have hated each other since practically the dawn of time. Nobody knows how or why this war started but it had caused the two families to be hostile towards one another.

Except for two males, one from each family.

Dark Ipliers , son of the head of the Ipliers and Anti Septic, son of the head of Septics.

The males had met at a ball that their parents didn't know the other family was attending and their friendship formed from there...however that friendship turned into a relationship.

The two had obviously kept their relationship a secret, the only people that knew was Anti's Nanny and Dark's best friend Die.

Currently the two families had just arrived at a special meeting place where most rich and important families attended.

"Oh look dear, they must've invited the wrong people, as this place is only for important people." Dark's father put emphasis on the important part, smirking as his wife held onto his arm as he did to her. Anti's father glared at him, only being held back by his wife.

"Ignore them dear, their not worth your time or breath. " his wife sasses, smirking as she walked along with her husband and family, the Ipliers walking along side them.

The lover's would occasionally glance at one another . They couldn't interact much now, but later they'd be doing a looot of interacting.

Soon the most important family of them all the royal family came walking along the middle of the two families . Die snuck towards Dark, nudging him.

"Ya gonna sneak off again?" He muttered, earning a nod from Dark.

"I got you covered." Die playfully winked before jogging over to his father, the prince.

{*Time skip welcomes you all in*}

Die looked over at Dark at the end other end of the hallway, earning a nod from the dark-haired male. It was go time.

Die went over to the stage, grabbing a microphone.

"Hello everyone! I'll be your entertainment for the night." Die introduce , grabbing everyone's attention like flies to a light as they headed to the stage. Dark took this opportunity to sneak off to one of the corridors where Anti's nanny was waiting.

"He's in the fifth room down on the left." She informed him, earning a thanks from Dark.

"Oh and Dark." She called out , making him turn around.

"Go easy on him, he needs to walk back to the car remember." She joked , earning a chuckle from Dark.

"I'll try. No promises though." He joked , heading down the hall, going faster each time before he reached the door his lover was in.

He peered inside too see Anti sitting on the desk that was inside the room. His eyes lit up when he saw Dark, racing over when he shut the door and joining their lips together.

The two smiled brightly in the kiss, hugging one another close as they enjoyed one another's presence.
Dark picked Anti up and immediately the smaller male wrapped his legs around Dark's waist.

Dark carries him to the desk, setting him in there as they continued to kiss, pulling away only for air.

"God I've missed you." Dark muttered, brushing his thumb against Anti's cheek.

"I've missed you too Darky, oh so much ."


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