Prison hardships part 2

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A week or so later

First thing tomorrow was the time Anti would finally be set free from prison. Which is something he was happy about But , there was one thing Anti was going to miss when he left. And that was Dark.

He sat on his bed, waiting for the male to arrive, smiling when from the corners of his eye he spotted him faze through the steel bars and walk over to him, sitting beside him on the bed

"Hey ..I Uhm , I heard you were leaving tomorrow.." Dark says softly, making his voice quiet, his head hanging low

"Y-Yea..." he scooted a little closer to Dark , resting his head on his shoulder , leaning into him. Dark seemed surprised, but he slowly slid a hand around Anti , holding him close.

Dark unfortunately had a bit longer to go , but thankfully it was only a week and not a year or something...but that didn't mean they weren't gonna miss each other

"I-I'm gonna-a miss you ya know " Anti looks up at him slightly , his eyes shining with sadness . He and Dark both knew Dark could just fade through the walls like a shadow and escape, but he wanted to serve his time , he knew he had to face consequences

"Me too Anti ...but I hope you find a-a good-d job and manage to get back on track ......and hoped find someone " Dark says the last part hesitantly

He then proceeds to stand up in front of Anti , beckoning him to stand up, which he did.

He wasted no time to hug him , as they had done many times before, holding Anti close . And if course the feminine male hugged him just as close

"I-I don't want to meet someone though....c-cuz your the one I-I want " Anti mutters shyly, and as his head was resting on Dark's shoulder, Dark could hear it clearly.

His eyes widened, and he hugged Anti closer

"I-I want to be with you too.." he says softly into Anti's ear

They lock eyes for a bit before leaning into each other slowly and kissed each other slowly, it was filled with love and passion like no other

As the kiss went on , it grew slightly heated , Anti rests his hands on the black haired males toned chest , and Dark's hands slowly go down his back, and accidentally touches Anti's ass

In the kiss , a light moan was erupted from plump pink lips , those belonged to Anti.

They both pulled away , Dark was shocked with light blush on his cheeks , and slightly wide eyes , meanwhile Anti his his face in Dark's chest as his face was a deep pink

"S-Sorry ...s-someo-one j-just hasn't touched m-me there in awhile a-and I'm s-sensitive I-I guess " Anti stutters out all flustered

"I-it's ok " Dark states

"C-could you .....could you do-o it again.." Anti says it so quietly it's barely audible

| part 3 should he the last part -_Arubinogomi_- |

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