Fiery love part 2

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3rd person POV

Anti's eyes widened as he looked up , seeing Toothless in the tree he was backed up against, growling down at Dark with bared teeth.

He jumped down and landed in between Anti and Dark, not allowing Anti to be hurt.

"A dragon! " Dark exclaimed , grabbing his axe and goes to swing it at Toothless.

"NO STOP!" Anti shouts, making both the dragon and the Viking male stop and pause.

He rushes to the front of Toothless, blocking Dark from him.

"I-I can't- I won't let you hurt him" Anti says with such determination in his eyes , although his eyes also held fear in them as well.

"What? Anti move! That is a dragon, it's going to kill you!" Dark shouted at him.

"No he won't! I've been looking after him ! H-He's the Nightfury I shot down ...h-he can't fly by himself anymore. " Anti blurted out , eventually trailing off to silence once he realised he had revealed his secret to someone.

Dark looked so shocked .

"Your..helping a dragon..? Why? They've killed tons of u-"

"And we've killed and tortured even more of them, a-and I guess....I guess when I looked at him all tangled up ...I-I saw myself in him." Anti looks behind him at Toothless, who's eyes had softened from before.

"But you can't tell anyone, p-please. " Anti looks at Dark with big pleading eyes.

Dark sighed , damn his soft side.

"Fine...but you realise this is crazy , right?" Dark says, earning a nod from Anti

"Yea ....s-so Uhm d-do you ..w-want to fly with us?" Anti asks awkwardly.

"Uhm...I don't know , I don't think your ..dragon likes me very much" Dark says with unease , not quite sure he was comfortable with the dragon just yet.

"The dragon is called Toothless and I'm sure he won't mind, right bud?" Anti asks as he turns towards , Toothless, who let out a pouty rumble .

"Oh relax Toothless, it'll be ok" Anti kneels down so his face was the same height as Toothless' , stroking his chin which seemed to make the black dragon a little happier

"C'mon , let's go , we gotta find a good place for you too take off bud " Anti says , picking up the basket and walking off somewhere into the forest.

The male dragon and the human male exchange glares before following, not looking at one another.

{*Time Skip flies on a dragon *}

Once they had found a place big enough for Toothless to fly , Anti made sure to check Toothless' saddle was on properly . Once it was checked he climbed on , Dark climbing on behind him a little reluctantly .

" exactly do you fly this dragon?" Dark asks , holding onto the saddles sides

"Well Uhm ..we it's not exactly the easiest thing to explain, but I just simply-" before Anti could even do anything Toothless soared up in the air at a full on vertical angle , making the two people who were riding him have to cling to him.

"What is he doing?!" Dark shouted , clearly alarmed

"I-I don't know! Toothless stop!" Anti shouted at Toothless, but the dragon didn't listen, and instead soared faster till they reached the clouds.

Once Toothless was high enough, he then folded his wings and plummeted straight down

"Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile" Anti says sarcastically

As they get past all the clouds , they could see they were getting closer and closer to the ocean .

Dark's eyes widened in fear

"Fly up please! " he begged, his voice a little shaky .

Toothless looks behind him slightly, seeing how scared Dark seemed .

Feeling a little guilty, the dragon opens up his wings and they glide up into the air , breaking their fall.

The two riders sighed in relief as Toothless flew on.

Soon enough, dawn turned to night , and the sky filled with millions of stars that were children to the big bright shining moon.

They were above the clouds , which made the view that much better.

"I'll have to admit, this is nice" Dark says softly with a smile .

The black haired male had his strong arms around Anti's waist, allowing the brunette male too feel Dark's chest against his back.

Anti leans back into Dark , resting his head on Dark's shoulder , a smile on his face

'So warm ' he thought to himself

Dark looks down at him with a raised brow

"What are you doing?" He asked , his smile still evident.

"I-I just figured - well you were h-holding my waist and, Uhm w-well i thought-" Anti goes to sit back up again, but was stopped by Dark's arms .

"It's ok , I was just teasing you " Dark says , hugging the male close as he places a kiss on Anti's head, making the male blush.

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