I ...am?

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|Dark is pretty emotionless...but after a fight Anti hopes to make the males world a little brighter.|



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

Huffs and puffs could be heard from the two males in the dark void in which they co-existed in , both with cuts , bruises and sore spots from the fight they had just had.

Anti , who by now had his knife ready to go , his eyes wide with exhilaration as his body was filled with adrenaline, as for some reason he was still revving to go, like a car ready to race. His grin showing his sharp pearly whites wide in excitement as he panted slightly.

Meanwhile Dark, who by then had his blazer off to enable him to move quicker and easier wasn't feeling the same. His eyes showed nothing, glaring with all he could , his adrenaline dying down like a candle light in a harsh wind. He wanted to stop this now, as he wasn't in the mood, he was never in the mood for anything really. As he panted he wiped the side of his mouth where a certain green haired demon had managed to cut his lip slightly, causing it to ever so slightly bleed.

"C'mon Darky! Let's continue, I'm fucking eager to continue and beat you !" Anti half shouted as Dark wasn't to far from him , though his personality and the fact he was buzzing with adrenaline and excitement caused him to be louder .

Dark merely just scowled , standing as he was sitting to regain his energy faster. He didn't answer as he turned to grab his discarded blazer, slipping it on.

Anti took this chance to race towards Dark , his small and nimble body cutting through the air like a knife , glitching above Dark high up he aimed his knife and fell with tremendous speed.

But no amount of speed could pass Dark's reflexes .

Without even looking back, Dark's hand reached up, grabbing Anti by the wrist, stopping the knife from getting to him and causing Anti to loose all of his momentum , making him just hang there .

Dark turned to Anti, his glare strong enough to strike fear into anyone or thing with a pulse.

"I'm done ." His voice was covered with the usual stern yet emotionless way he spoke.

"Yer what?" Anti asks, more out of bewilderment.

"I don't want to fight, I'm not in the mood." He stated clearly . Letting Anti's wrist go before he started to walk away, hands behind his back as usual.

"Wait...so...I win?!" Anti questions hopefully .

"Yea sure, whatever." Dark didn't sound or seem the slightest bit bothered as he continued to walk.

Anti's smile grew back as he shot up, doing a little happy jig .

Though it was cut short when he looked over at his emotionless frenemy , quiet as the void around them as he continues to walk in no direction in particular.

He couldn't help but feel somewhat bad...he knew people always told him Dark could feel nothing but yet...he somehow found that hard to believe.

He glitched right beside Dark, walking at his speed , looking at his body language and his facial expressions.

"Of your here to gloat then I don't wanna hear it ."

Anti frowns a little more.

"No I ain't here to gloat actually." He glitched in front of Dark, stopping him in his tracks.

"Out of my way." He sternly orders, teeth gritted slightly.

"Not until I try somethin' " The Irish male soon began to do all sorts of things, like telling him jokes, doing silly dances and such . Anything that would make anyone else laugh.

"What are you doing?" Dark asks , his brow raised .

"I'm trying to make you laugh so I can hear ya laugh silly ." Anti explains, stopping in front of Dark.


"Yea, that thing people do when they're enjoyin' themselves-"

"Yes I know what laughing is, but why do you want to hear me laugh?" Dark questions, sounding genuinely curious.

"Oh, cuz I reckon you have a lovely laugh." Anti smiled up at him.

Dark paused, seeming gently shocked at the males words.

"Like I imagine you got one of those deep hearty chuckles ." Anti explains.

"Or like ...like one of them big hearty laughs that can fill anyone with joy! I reckon you got one of them laughs." Anti explains, sounding enthusiastic .

Dark just stood there, his expression remaining shocked as he stared down at the male.

"Anywho , I gotta go Dork, I'll see ya around." Without another word Anti pecks the males cheek and disappears instantly with his glitching abilities.

Dark rubbed his cheek softly, still processing what just happened.

He smiled softly, a small chuckle parting from his lips as he disappeared too.

For perhaps the first time ever...Dark actual felt something...something like....


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