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|Anti is a scared bb even when he knows it's fake|



3rd person POV

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3rd person POV

"Are you sure you wanna come to this party? This isn't exactly like every other Halloween party." Dark asks, looking at Anti with a slightly worried expression.

This party would be filled with scary costumes and things that would make your skin crawl, and on top of that they'd be going into a haunted house, and a good one at that.

Now Dark didn't mind this, Halloween was his favourite holiday after all, and he loved horror filled things , however he knew Anti got scared at horror quite easily, and he knew Anti would be scared tonight.

"Yes I'm sure! I'll be fine, especially with you there ." Anti smiled brightly, looking up at Dark.

Dark sighed, he smiled and reluctantly gave in.

"Alright, but I am warning you, it's gonna be scary, really scary ." Dark leads him upstairs where their costumes were waiting.

Dark was going as some sort of demon. He was in all black ripped up clothes , fake horns on his head and make up that made him look demented.

 He was in all black ripped up clothes , fake horns on his head and make up that made him look demented

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Meanwhile Anti was going as a doll. With the make up that made him look like he was more of a porcelain doll than he already was, and a simple white button up shirt with blue jeans to complete the simple look.

"Not gonna lie, you look hot like that." Anti said, cupping Dark's face carefully and pecking his lips

Dark chuckles in amusement at that , wrapping his arms around Anti's waist.

"Well you look beautiful like that ." Dark comments, leaning a little closer with his eyes half lidded.

Anti places a hand on Dark's lip.

"Oh no no, no make outs, it'll ruin our make up, plus you know how we get." Dark pouted a little at his boyfriends words but listened non the less.

"Ok fine, but after the party can we?" Anti looked off as if to think about it, a little cheeky smirk on his face.


"Awwwww...Why not?"

"Cuz I said so." Dark pouts grumpily, making Anti giggle.

{*Time skip tells you that yes the author knows it's almost Christmas but she was a fucking idiot and didn't realise she had a Halloween based one shot .*}

At the party music that would make churches have nightmares was blasting through the speakers , the whole room looked like a gathering of monsters and ghouls .

"I'm gonna go get a drink Darky." Anti said as he let go of his lover's hand , venturing through the crowd of people.

Once reaching one of the food tables Anti grabbed a plastic cup and poured some red strawberry lemonade into his drink. He looked up and spotted a girl who looked like she was a spider and had a realistic looking turanchula on her shoulder.

"Are you sure it was ok to bring Dora out?" Her partner asked, sipping on their own drink.

"Yes of course, she needs to be let out of cage occasionally anyway ." Suddenly the turanchula on her shoulder started to move....IT WAS REAL!!

Anti yelps in surprise, dropping the jug of strawberry lemonade and backing up  till he bumped into someone, he turned around only for someone in a clown costume to scare him, making his yelp louder and rush to Dark, hugging him and almost knocking him over in the process.

"Woah love , calm down its o-" Dark saw Anti was shaking a lot and whimpering. Dark places his food down and held Anti, rubbing his back.

"Anti what's wrong?"

Anti blurted out about the spider and the creepy clown , his eyes growing damp due to tears .but he said it so fast Dark could barely understand it.

"Anti deep breaths, it's ok, I promise." Dark hummed soothingly into Anti's ear.

The guy in the clown costume approached them, taking his mask off and apologising , saying he didn't mean to scare Anti that much.

Dark said that it was ok and picked Anti up, carrying him to the car.

W-Where are we going?" Anti asked.

"Were going home."

"W-What why?!"  Anti exclaimed.

"Because I don't want you to get that scared love, you were shaking and you looked as if you were gonna cry." Dark said, opening the car door and placing him in the car.

"A-Are you upset with me?" Anti asks, wiping his watery eyes as Dark buckles him up.

"No of course not, why would I be?" Dark asked softly, getting in the other side and buckling up himself.

"C-Cuz you had to leave the party because of me.." Anti looked down, but his face was quickly lifted by Dark's hand. Dark was smiling softly at him.

"Oh love, it's ok, I'd rather you be ok and me not go to a party that you be scared shitless and me at the party. Plus this means I can take my make up off and smooch you." Anti giggles at the last part.

"Alright Darky. I love you."

"I love you too."

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