I Want to Change for You

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|They say all demons are bad, but surely not all demons are bad , right? That's what Dark hoped was the case for his boyfriend. (I got a little bit of inspiration from hazbin hotel )|

{Potential trigger as there's mention of drugs, smoking, alcohol etc }


3rd person POV

Demons. The very word can stir up many thoughts and emotions for many different people.

For example , to some they were absolutely terrifying, a thing of hell which was used to curse or torture you , to others they were manipulative beings that wanted your soul for their own .

No matter how people see them , there's always one common thing about a demon's nature.

They're evil.

And yes, for the majority this was true...however, for some demons, this was in fact the opposite . Some demons wanted to make up for what they did in their past life or just be good in general.

This was the case for Dark. A demon who ,even as a child , never really showed any sign of being bad , despite the many many negative influences he had on his life.

To this day, Dark was one of the demons who preached about becoming good and rehabilitation for demons. He even worked at a hotel which opened up recently which was made to help demons get better , unfortunately the hotel wasn't very successful, but he still worked there none the less.

However...his boyfriend was a different story.

Anti was like most demons, he drank loads, did drugs, smoked and caused so much destruction it was uncanny.

How did they meet you may ask? Anti was in some deep trouble with some demons he hadn't paid on time and Dark thankfully had stepped in to help .

Anti in his extremely flirtatious and bold nature had given Dark a kiss on the cheek as a thanks and slipped his number into the very flustered demons pocket. He had expected Dark to use it in case the male was lonely one night and decided he needed some...intimacy.

Imagine his surprise when the male had just wanted to talk to him and get to know him. Like what??

Slowly after months of flirting and being nervous, the two had grown feelings for one another, Anti of course being the first to admit it as he practically had no shame and said in very clear detail the many things he often imagined Dark doing to him.

Dark was obviously happy Anti felt the same...however... he knew of the males tenancies and he knew he wouldn't be happy in the relationship if he dated someone who did the things he was currently trying to go against.

So he said he'd only be with the male if he promised that he would quit his unfavourable actions. Naturally Anti didn't seem to pleased with that at first, but to Dark's surprise, he actually promised to stop them .

That was a few weeks ago and Dark was so pleased with Anti , he hadn't done any of his old nasty activities ! To celebrate, Dark bought him a gift.

Meanwhile at their current place of residence , which Anti use to live in by himself , the younger demon was currently drunk as shit .

In reality he hadn't been clean for the duration of their relationship, whenever Dark went to work, he'd sneakily have a few drinks , get high or do whatever he use to do . However his lack of such substances had made him greedy and so he accidentally had a few too much to drink.

Now this would've been fine if it weren't for the fact that Dark ended early today, which only seemed to cross the demons memory when he heard the car pulling into the driveway.

Needless to say Anti hauled ass at that point, well as quick as a drunk person can.

He staggered his way to the kitchen, substances in hand . He usually hid them in a small compartment on one of the top cupboards , he quickly reached up and tried to shove everything back in it's place, however one of the bottles had just slipped out of his grasp and fell onto the floor .

"Fuck!" Anti whisper shouted , trying to cram the rest of the things in still .

His hair stood on end when he heard his name come from Dark's mouth, he turned, seeing his lover's face and the mix of emotions that played on it.

"Look, I can-"

"How long has this been going on for." Dark cut him off, his voice seeming blank of emotions.

"Ever since we started dating." Anti admitted, slurring his words a little.

Dark let out a sigh that was a mix of frustration and sadness.

"So what? You can't expect me to change in that amount out time , and to just change myself for you-" Anti's tone was angry almost as if he wasn't in the wrong in this situation.

"I didn't want you to change yourself for me." Dark raised his voice a little, something he rarely ever did , so knowing he had meant he was very upset.

"You didn't have to change yourself at all, you could've just stayed single and continued with your ways ...when you said that you'd try and change all that to be with me... I was so happy, I-I thought I meant that much to you that you wanted to change." He started to tear up .

"Y-You even promised for fuck sake...did that not mean anything?" Dark asks. Before dropping the bag and storming out the kitchen and to somewhere else in the house.

Everything was quite. And in those very moments of silence Anti realised just how much he had messed this up . Fuck he had some making up to do.

{*Time skip hands you some candy out for Halloween *}

Anti slowly opened the door of their bedroom, seeing the silhouette of Dark sitting on the edge , head in hands .

Anti got on the bed and sat behind him, hugging him from behind .

"...I'm sorry..." Anti mutters.

"I know that probably doesn't mean much but hear me out...I-I was stupid for what I did..I-I shouldn't have done it at all... and after seeing that and realising my mistake ...I want to try again..."

"How will I know ...t-that your telling the truth this time though..." Dark asks, sitting up .

"I'll throw away all my shit , I-I'll even let you check, I'll help out at that hotel you work at , I-I'll do anything just....just please...stay with me...I don't want to loose you..."

There was a pause , then the slightly older of the two turned and embraced his lover , holding him close.

"Your not going to loose me...and...I should apologise as well...I know it's not that easy for people to just quit yet I told you to do it anyway...I'm sorry, this time I'll help you ...through every step, even if we have to take the littlest of fucking baby steps... I just want you to be the best you can be, because I know you can be better than the person you are already."

There was more silence before little sniffles could be heard .

"Anti? " Dark pulled away from the hug, worried at that.

"Fuck I love you Dark." Anti mutters before throwing himself back into Dark's arms, hiding his face in the males shoulder.

"I love you too baby..." Dark mutters, smiling.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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