In a Heartbeat part 2

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Anti's POV

"W-What the hell is going on? W-who- no- what are you?" I asked the little pastel pink heart , my eyes looking into it's wide and joy filled ones

It didn't seem to be able to talk , even though it had a mouth and everything that is used for talking

How strange ....I think to myself

The heart suddenly starts hopping around in the air happily , it's little stick like arms making grabby hands for .....Dark

Wait....this is my heart!? B-But how? How is it all of a sudden real!? A-And emotive ?!

Before I knew it , the heart started banging on the window, obviously wanting to get Dark's attention.

"N-No no" I tried to reach for it but it just dodged and kept doing it .

I lunged forward to grab it again but ended up falling against the window, into the room by the spinning window . I land with a thump on my butt and rub my head , since I had a headache

I gasp softly in surprise for who was in front of me , tensing up in nervousness

It was Dark , in the flesh , looking down on me . My lord he's even more attractive up close!

"Are you ok? You fell from pretty far?" Dark asks . I look up at the window I just fell through, it was a pretty far fall for sure . But I was too distracted by that wonderful deep voice to have noticed completely

"Y-Yea 'm fine , Uhm " I can't help but look into his eyes ....those ...eyes....


Dark extended his hand out to me , which I shyly took

He hoisted me up , making me stumble forward and basically use him as support, I blushed even more and pull away, brushing myself off

"Why were you even up there in the first place ?" Dark asked

CRAP! Uhm!? Quick think of something !

"I-I was just walking around when I noticed you in here upset , a-and well...I-I guess I decided to ..drop in heheh" I giggles nervously

Dark started chuckling at the little pun , his laugh was a blessing to anyone who got to hear it , and it made my heart flutter

Oh lord his laugh is amazing you have to be shitting me!

"A-Anyway....may I ask ...why w-were you upset..." I asked , looking up at him as I fixed my bag back onto my shoulder

Dark sighed and sat down on one of the boxes , beckoning me to sit next to him, which I did

"I'm sure you know who Brittany is" I nodded slowly

Yea she's the biggest bitch in the world

"Well and her were in a relationship, when suddenly today she decided to fucking cheat on me like the whore she is" Dark huffed , rubbing his temples

"I-I'm sorry to hear that deserve better.....and I was surprised when I heard you two were going out , I mean like most of the school l-literally calls her Bitchney" Dark snickers at that

"I questioned why I even went out with her, probably cuz her friend and stuff were forcing us too " Dark huffed but chuckled

"Your pretty funny..." Dark paused , not knowing my name , which wasn't surprising

"I-it's Anti, Anti S-Septic-eye" I stuttered out

"Cool name . Names Dark Iplier " Dark stands and I copy

3rd person POV

Before Anti even knew it , he was walking down the halls , WITH DARK

Never the less , the boy was extremely nervous and was having trouble trying not to shake

If the presence of his huge crush wasn't enough, people were staring and whispering at them, making the boy's anxiety go through the roof

Dark seemed to notice something was up with the smaller boy and stopped in the hall , he held the boy's shoulders

"You ok ? You" Dark didn't quite know how to put it exactly

"Oh-h I'm o-ok yea " Anti pulled on a smile , and Dark smiled his charming smile

"That's good to hear"

Suddenly..Anti's heart was beating faster and faster , so fast it felt as if it was gonna beat out of his chest ....

No heart not again!

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