Warm My Cold Dead Heart part 1

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| This story proves that even the coldest of people can be warmed up too.|

Slight angst /fluff


3rd person PoV

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3rd person PoV

Dark scowled as he slammed the door of his large house . The fifth night this week and he'd found no blood , his energy was growing low . He tried to find blood from the animals which lived in the forest his house was in but just his luck that there were very little creatures in the forest.

He was growing desperate, he knew he'd have to search a little farther than usual. So without a second thought Dark turned into a bat and flew out his window, heading above the tall trees and listening and sniffing out for any life.

The vampire found himself in  a town, flying above many houses .

So much blood , all for the taking

However Dark's keen senses picked up a particularly strong scent . He followed it, looking around eagerly or the source before his dark dull eyes landed on a individual. The energy radiating from him was immense, it made Dark a little rabid just at the smell. He dived down , needing it now .

Anti hummed to himself, listening to his music. His day hadn't been the best , and he was looking forward to just heading home and relaxing.

However his peaceful stroll was quickly ruined as a figure tackled him down, he didn't see them as it was extremely dim .

"Hey get off of m-" Anti gasped , feeling two sharp points dig into his neck and drain something out of him. His eyelids growing heavy as he soon fell unconscious.


Anti's eyes gradually managed to peek open, expecting to wake up in a room with some light source but it was just as dark as it was outside. Anti sat up slowly, feeling around for a switch of some sort . His fingers landed on a switch like object and he flipped it on, a small bedside lamp turning on, lighting the room just enough for Anti to get a good look of it.

His eyes landed on a figure, a male in rather formal clothes with a black cloak/cape that hung behind him.

Anti jumped upon seeing him.

"W-Who are you? Where am I?" Anti asked, trying to look brave .

"Dark and your at my home." He stated simply, standing.

"Ok..look I don't do one night stands , plus you kinda like kidnapped me so if you would I'd like to leave ." Anti says, standing from the bed. It didn't look used at all.

Dark seemed to be amused at Anti's words , smirking.

"No, your not leaving. And I didn't bring you here for that reason." Dark stepper closer , he was clearly a little taller than Anti.

"Then what for?" Anti questions, getting a bad feeling in his stomach.

"To use you as a blood slave ."

"Excuse me!?" Anti seemed surprised at the words just said to him.

"What would you need blood for?" Anti quizzed the male , his bad feeling only growing.

"I'm a vampire, what do you think." The males eyes were full of energy, which was scary when he was looking at someone the way he was currently looking at Anti.

"Vampire? Those don't exist." Anti scoffed .

"Oh really?" Dark's eyes suddenly wend fully red as he grinned, two very prominent pointed teeth visible, he pinned Anti down, making the smaller one squirm, trying to get away.

"Exactly. Now sit up you have some rules to follow ." Dark got off of him, his teeth and eyes returning to normal.

Anti shakily stood up, his throat dry .

"First off, you are not allowed to leave this room , ever . If you do, there will be consequences." Dark warned .


"Second , you will allow me to take blood from you whenever and wherever, if you don't I won't hesitate to hurt you."


"Third , you won't be allowed to have any sort of contact to the outside world . I don't want you escaping do I." Dark held up how phone , before putting it in his pocket.

"But I-"

"Do I make myself clear?" Dark asked, glaring at Anti as if too say 'you better say yes'.

Anti sighed, nodding, looking down to his feet.

"I didn't hear you."

"Y-Yes Dark." Anti stuttered.

"Good. " without saying another word, Dark left , closing the door .

Anti stood there. The hope he had of escaping only decreasing

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