Chapter One (A)

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*Chris’s point of view*

I woke up Monday morning in a groggy mood. Dad wasn’t home (which didn’t bother me) so I sat at the table and ate a small bowl of honeycombs before slipping on some clothes for school.

My shorts were short, only just qualifying for the dress code, and my tank top showed off the very few curves I had. Grabbing my backpack and my cell phone on the way out, I locked the door and called Nathan.

“Morning kitten,” he answered, “Need a ride?” I rolled my eyes.

“You always pick me up; don’t make it seem like a new thing.” He laughed. “Someone’s crotchety today,” he teased, “Me and Jadyn are on the way.”

I sat down on the concrete until they pulled up a few minutes later. Yawning, I climbed in the back of his van.

“I still don’t see why you left at like four this morning,” Jadyn said to me; I shrugged.

“There’s no point in going to school if you don’t have your school things; including homework,” I pointed out; he grinned as Nathan pulled off the curb. “You mean you actually did your homework?” he asked, faking incredibility.

I shoved his shoulder, but laughed in spite of myself.

“So how are you?” I asked Nathan; he shrugged.

“Pretty good, but I don’t fight until Friday.” He made a face. “I wish we could choose the days we fight and the days we didn’t.”

“It’s better for you this way, fighting’s not supposed to be planned out action-for-action,” I told him.

“Yeah, why are you complaining anyway? I don’t fight till Saturday,” Jadyn complained. “Sucks for you guys; I fight tomorrow,” I smirked.

Nathan shoved me back into the backseat playfully with a free hand as we pulled into the school parking lot.

“Thank god school’s out in a month or so,” Nathan said, “Maybe then street fighting will change to my advantage and we could do championships.”

I smiled at his enthusiasm as he helped me out of the van.

“So boys,” I said, “Who’s my love-monkey today?” We all started laughing.

Usually Nathan, Jadyn and Dylan took turns flirting with me and acting like my boyfriend all day to keep other guys from hitting on me. And believe me; I get hit on quite a bit.

My body is like a guy magnet. “Me,” Dylan sang, walking up beside me and grabbing my hand. I nudged him playfully and bid the other two goodbyes as Dylan and I started to our first period, which we had together.

On the way, I stopped to talk to Haley and Dylan went to his friend, a few lockers down.

“I hear Matt got his ass beat yesterday,” she grinned, turning to look at me. I groaned in exasperation; I wanted to be the one to tell her.

She laughed and said, “I ran into the other two a little bit ago.” While we stood talking about the dance coming up, (yes, we’re eager for the dance even though we’re street fighters), some guy walked up to us and asked our names.

I recognized him from gym class: Tyler Rikson. He was full of himself, and stubborn.

“What do you want, Rikson?” I asked irritably.­ He smirked, “I was wondering which one of you wants to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night.”

I would go with him just to bug the shit out of him the whole time. I opened my mouth to accept when Haley’s lips came up to my ear and whispered, “Fight.”

The syllable I began to use to accept smoothly slid into the first syllable to decline.

His face was suddenly thoughtful and surprised as he stared at Haley. “What did you just say?” he asked her.

“Nothing,” she said defiantly. “No thanks,” I said with acid sweetness, “Maybe another time, like when pigs fly.” He smirked. “Why don’t you go make a couple laps around the school and we’ll be good to go,” he answered just as sweetly.

I was raising my hand to punch him when Dylan’s iron hard grip captured my wrist. “I think you better leave,” he told Tyler.

“Don’t get yourself in trouble,” he whispered to me, “Take your anger out tomorrow night.” I nodded and relaxed the flexed muscles in my arm.

Tyler walked away, which was a relief, but, as he left, Roary took his place.

“Awh, it’s the little princess,” he started, “Which guy are you taking home today?” His friends gathered around him for intimidation. It would have worked, but being a street fighter broke you of that.

“Better watch yourself unless you want a black eye to match that broken nose,” I told him smugly, “Or didn’t you tell your friends I gave it to you yet?”

They looked at him but he brushed off my comment. “It’s sad when you have to lie about hurting others to keep your reputation from shattering,” he shook his head in mock shame.

I stepped forward with my fist raised and he cowered but, his face fearful. I laughed and folded my arms.

“It’s even sadder when you lie to cover up the fact you can’t take a punch,” I answered, walking around them with Dylan and Haley following.

As I crossed the hall to our classroom, I saw Tyler watching me intently.

I gave him a look that said ‘what the hell are you looking at?’ before walking into homeroom.

*Tyler’s point of view*

I stared after Chris as she walked into first period. The way she had acted towards Roary was surprising. No girl I knew would have stood up to him.

Damn, they wouldn’t have even known that he would flinch if she raised her hand.

She acted almost as if she was a fighter on the street, like me. I fight down in the rings as Prowler, but I only just started a few weeks ago

Could she be a fighter? I shook the thought out of my head. Girls weren’t allowed to act in street fighting; it was against the rules.

I was only thinking that way because I’m eager for tonight’s fight.

After convincing myself that I was just hoping, I hurried to class before the bell sounded.

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