Chapter Thirty Nine (NN)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

Friday was uneventful.

We didn’t run into Roary. Dylan gave me the cold shoulder all day.

He thought I’d been unfaithful… I understand now what people meant when they said they felt like dirt.

Seth had asked me what was wrong but I played it off as nerves for tonight.

I was almost happy when we had to go to the rings. Almost.

We were changing into our fighting attire at six. Ironarm wanted the money by seven.

I walked into the living room with Haley, who had changed with me, and saw Jadyn, Dylan and Nathan sprawled out on the couch with Seth on the chair, upside down.

They were all laughing about something they saw on the television screen, and Haley and I grinned at their expressions.

Dylan’s eyes met mine and his smile held for me before his eyes clouded over and it faded. He looked away and my heart died a little more.

“Are we ready?” Nathan asked, walking into the room with fighting attire on.

“Where’s Tyler?” I asked, looking over the counter bordering between the living room and the kitchen. “His mom called, said it was important about an hour ago. He left, told us he’ll meet us back here tonight,” Haley put in.

“Isaac said he would meet us at the rings. Just a few of us are going. Me, Nathan, Chris, Dylan, Haley and Seth,” Jadyn informed us, “And since all of us who were contributing gave the money to Nathan, we’re all set to go.”

Twenty minutes later, we were piling into the van, ready to face Ironarm’s men.

Dylan sat in the front.

*Dylan’s Point of View*

I knew I was being immature, but I didn’t want to talk to her. I didn’t want to face her after she’d cheated on me. I couldn’t. I didn’t have the strength.

Nathan pulled up to the rings and cut the ignition.

“Are we ready?” he asked. Silently, we climbed out of the car.

I saw Seth pull her to the side, ask her something, and she shook her head. Then his eyebrows furrowed in and he asked something else and her head dropped. His eyes cut my way briefly.

Maybe she cheated on me with him. My anger flashed momentarily before it receded. I didn’t believe Seth would do that to me. I didn’t want to believe Chris would either, but what other option was there? There were marks!

I followed Jadyn and Haley until we reached the open area where the rings scattered around. Ironarm was there already, alone, in the middle of the open space.

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