Chapter Forty Three (RR)

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I'm sorry, I know it's been forever, but here's a new chapter!

*Chris’s Point of View*

Tuesday morning was definitely not a day for getting up for school.

Dylan woke up first and had to roll on top of me to convince me to open my eyes, and then he threatened to dump me in a tub of ice water if I didn’t get up.

I snorted at him and pulled the covers over my head and he left the room.

Victory, I thought to myself.

Snuggling back up in the blankets, I closed my eyes and waited to drift off. I was getting there when I was lifted off the bed bridal style.

My eyes snapped open to a grinning Dylan so I closed my eyes again and let him carry me wherever the hell he was taking me.

“Chris?” he asked. “What?” I whined.

“If you don’t open your eyes, I’m dumping you in this water,” he told me.

“You wouldn’t,” I said, snuggling into his chest.

“Try me.”

I snorted again. “Whatever,” I said.

The next thing I felt was ice water soaking my pajamas as I hit the water.

I came up screaming at the top of my lungs and looked up to Dylan, who was smirking his face off.

I was pissed.

Jumping out of the tub, I chased him down the hallway and into the kitchen, where Jadyn caught me as I slipped on the tile floor.

“Morning kitten,” he grinned at me, a twinkle in his eye as he looked me over. I knew what that meant.

“You knew he was going to dump me in the water!” I punched his arm and he held his hands up in defense, putting me back on the ground.

“He warned you,” he told me, “Now get something to eat and go get dressed.”

After school, I came home and plopped on the couch, still pretending to be mad at Dylan for this morning. He didn’t buy it.

“Are you still mad?” he asked me, his baby voice teasing me.

I turned my face away from him childishly.

“I bet I can change your mind,” he told me suggestively.

I scoffed and his arms wrapped around my waist.

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