Chapter Sixteen (Q)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

The next day was slow. School dragged on for what seemed like forever and, when Nathan finally dropped me off at my house, I collapsed on the couch and turned on the TV.

I was watching a rerun of George Lopez when the phone rang twenty minutes later. “Hello?” I said. “Hey girl,” came a familiar voice. “Uncle Kevin!” I exclaimed, “Are you back home?! Need a babysitter?!”

He laughed into the receiver. “Actually I do,” he said, “Since I’m back from my vacation, I need you to watch Jacob while I run some errands. Otherwise he’ll be bored to tears,” he told me. I could hear Jake laughing in the background.

“I told you not to give the boy sugar,” I scolded playfully; I could hear the grin in his response. “Now what fun would that be?” he asked innocently, “I’ll be over in ten minutes. We’re around the corner at Target.”

I hung up the phone and went to pop popcorn because Jake loved popcorn. I also got a bottle of soda out of the pantry and set it on the counter.

The doorbell rang while I was getting the popcorn out of the microwave, so I left it and ran to the door.

Jacob jumped on me when I opened the door. “CHRIS,” he yelled, wrapping his arms around my neck.  I laughed, hugging his waist as Kevin walked in grinning.

“I tried to keep him on the leash,” he raised his hands in defense and I grinned at him.

“How long is he staying here?” I asked him; he shrugged. “I can call on the way home,” he told me and I nodded.

“Bye dad,” Jake said, practically shoving him out the door. Kevin laughed and left in his car a few moments later.

Closing the door, I caught Jacob around his middle and carried him to the kitchen.

“I smell,” he sniffed the air, “Popcorn!” “Correct,” I told him, pouring the popcorn into a bowl and carrying it into the living room.

“Want some?” I asked, holding the bowl high above his head. He rolled his eyes. “Duh,” he told me.

“What do you say?” I asked. He smiled angelically.

“Please give me the popcorn before I kick you in the shin,” he recited, batting his eyelashes.

“That’s my boy,” I laughed and gave him the bowl, “Now what do you want to watch?”

“I like George Lopez,” he told me, “But Hannah Montana is better.”

Rolling my eyes, I changed it to Disney channel and plopped on the couch beside him.

He sat criss-cross-applesauce on the couch and ate a handful of popcorn, staring at the TV.

Suite Life on Deck came on next and I went to get us something to drink while Jacob stayed glued to the screen.

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