Chapter Fifteen (P)

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*Chris’s point of view*

I woke up only because Haley woke me up.

“Are you coming to school today?” she asked, grinning. I moaned but got my sleepy-ass out of bed and threw on some of my dark colored clothing.

After brushing my hair and teeth, I climbed into the van and waited for Jadyn and Nathan. Haley and Dylan were already in the vehicle.

Leaning on Dylan’s shoulder, I closed my eyes.

“You’re my pillow for the day,” I told him; he grinned.

“What does that make me?” Haley pouted. I grinned at her. “You can be my foot rest,” I offered. She made a face at me, “Is there another option?”

The three of us were laughing when Nathan and Jadyn climbed into the van.

“How are your hands?” Jadyn asked. “Sore,” I admitted, “But I’ll survive.” He smiled at me. “Next time, try to let the other person take the fall. Literally.” We laughed at that too.

School was fast, mostly because I wasn’t really paying attention all day. In fact, I was so out of it, I actually told Tyler the truth about my hands instead of making up a lie when he asked about them.

“What the hell did you do?” he asked, staring at them. “I was picking up glass from a bottle I broke and I tripped and landed on said broken glass,” I answered immediately.

Then I opened my eyes and shook my head, surprised at my immediate response.

Tyler laughed. “Figures,” he said, “Only you would trip and fall carrying broken glass.”

I laughed in spite of myself and the rest of class was peaceful between us.

My hands didn’t bother me that evening. I was pumped for my fight.

“Are you ready?” Dylan yelled at me. “I’m ready,” I yelled back.

Laughing, I climbed into the van and Dylan followed me while Jadyn and Nathan climbed in the front; Haley was busy tonight so she wasn’t coming to the rings.

Grabbing Dylan’s hand, I bumped against him and wished him good luck before he disappeared into the crowd.

My opponent was waiting for me.

Ironarm was meaty, but his balance was off. He had muscles, which I could see in his arms, but he stood still, which meant nothing would really be moving except his arms.

When the bell went off, I danced around him, trying to get him to come forward. He didn’t move.

I tried with a different approach, this time faking hits, and he responded by stepping forward and swinging at my head.

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