Chapter Two (B)

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*Chris’s point of view*

Tuesday was all a blur until the fight. I was pumped and ready. I met Jadyn at his locker after last class; he was standing with Dylan.

“You ready to win tonight?” I asked him. He grinned and took a few pretend swings at me.

“Hell yeah I’m ready! I’d ask if you were ready, but I can’t see the energy flowing through you; your movements are sharp and defined. I hope that passes before the fight,” he told me.

 I laughed and said, “It always does.” We met Nathan and Haley at Nathan’s van and we all climbed in, driving to Nathan’s place to hang out before ring-time.

They were coming to support us and watch us kick ass. Opening a can of sprite, I downed it in an instant and we all started up a round of poker.

“Wait!” Nathan said, “Let’s say we make this more interesting.” Haley and I exchanged look that said the exact same thing: we knew where this was going.

“If you lose once, you have to jump in the pool in your under clothes when it gets dark out,” he announced, “Lose twice and you have to jump in naked. Lose three times and you have to jump in naked and swim across the long ways of the pool and back. Lose any more times than that and the winner gets their way with you for five minutes in the closet.”

We all cheered at his additions to the rules and we started the first round.

For hours we played, and we actually had enough time to get a lot of rounds in.

I lost two rounds, Haley lost one, Dylan lost two, Nathan lost one and Jadyn lost three.

It was getting dark, so we all huddled in his back yard. The ones were up.

Haley and Nathan stepped up to the water together, Nathan in boxers and Haley in panties and her bra, and plunged in, bobbing up seconds later.

We cheered as they raced to the edge and I pulled Haley up as Jadyn pulled Nathan up.

We tossed their towels to them and Dylan and I went inside to strip. We met each other on the way back outside, towels wrapped around our bodies.

We walked out together and the others whooped as we stepped up to the water.

“Separately or together?” I asked him. He thought for a moment. “Together,” he answered, grinning suddenly. He bent over to whisper in my ear not to drop my towel until the last second. I grinned back as we readied ourselves.

They counted down for us. “Three. Two.” We jumped then; dropping our towels we immediately leaped off the edge and splashed into the water. “Hey!” Nathan said. Dylan and I laughed before I answered, “You never said anything about towel treatment.”

Jadyn grabbed our towels and took a couple steps back, forcing us to climb out of the water and run to get them.

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