Chapter Thirteen (N)

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*Chris’s point of view*

I was laying my head on Dylan’s shoulder with my feet propped up in Nathan’s lap when I woke up.

And I wasn’t really awake until I fell off the couch stretching my arms.

Landing with a thud, I groaned, waking up both guys. They stared at me a moment before Dylan laughed, and Nathan cracked a grin.

I stuck my tongue out as I stood up, escaping to the kitchen, where Jadyn was making pancakes.

“Are we taking the kickboxing class again?” I asked Haley, yawning as I sat down at the table across from her.

“I want too,” she answered. “Me too,” Jadyn echoed.

“Me three,” Nathan said. “Which means yes, we’re taking the class,” Dylan told me, taking the seat next to my left.

“Cool,” I smiled wide, “I can show our teacher that this gal can kick better than you three lumps.” I indicated the three boys and Haley echoed my statement. The guys took to pouting while Jadyn brought the pancakes to the table with plates and silverware.

“You can’t kick better than me,” he announced, “Maybe the other two lumps, but I am a mean, lean fighting machine. And I have the grace and balance of a swan.”

“Oh yeah,” Nathan piped in, posing in a ballerina pose, “Your moves do seem quite swan-like.” We laughed and Jadyn shoved Nathan towards the table.

“Pancakes for everyone,” he exclaimed; we dug in and the pancakes were gone in ten minutes flat.

“Who’s ready for kickboxing?” I yelled. After putting on our comfortable clothes, we piled into the van. Since we got there like forty minutes early, Haley and I went looking for another class to pass the time.

“Chris! Let’s do this one!” Haley yanked me towards an open door where music was coming out. It was upbeat and the people inside were dancing routine to it.

I grinned. “Hey guys. We’re doing this one,” I called. Nathan got there first, and his grin widened at the class.

Dylan’s did too, and Jadyn was just dumbfounded. “Dancing?” he asked, his face holding utter surprise.

“It’s your fault we’re here so early,” Haley accused, “You should have actually checked the clock when I asked you for the time.” He stuck his tongue out and Nathan and Dylan dragged him in behind Haley and me.

The class was well into it, but it was an intermediate class, and the instructor let us stand in the back and she even took it a little slower so we could jump in.

It was sort of like hip hop, but you could see the subtle fighting moves she threw in to make it more of a work out and more interesting. Since fighting played a part in it, Haley, Nathan and I caught on fast.

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