Chapter Forty Seven (VV)

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Hey guys, here's an update :)

*Chris’s Point of View*

Saturday was a determined day.

We were dressed and ready to skirt out the Rings for information at seven.

To play it safe though, only five of us were going. The rest would stay home with Jake.

I was going, along with Dylan and Seth, and also Conner and Tyler.

Mostly because Tyler and Conner knew a lot of people amongst themselves, and I had a chip on my shoulder that would make refusing me be a bad idea.

“So we’re all traveling together in a group?” I asked Tyler.

He shook his head.

“I’ll take Seth,” he told me, “And we’ll scope out the east side. You, Dylan and Conner take the west.”

I saw his eyes skirt nervously towards Conner before he nodded at me and headed outside for the van.

I wonder what tension the two of them had on their shoulders.

After assuring Jake we wouldn’t be gone all day, I finally escaped out the door and climbed into the middle seats in the van with Dylan and Conner.

He looked down at his lap the whole ride there, only lifting his eyes to look at Tyler once.

I’d have to ask him about that later.

We pulled into the Rings and it wasn’t crowded, but it certainly wasn’t empty.

We set to work immediately.


*Conner’s Point of View*

I started with the more important and associative fighters. The one’s I’d seen talking to Blackiron or Ironarm directly.

We found one of them off on the outskirts of the Rings, no doubt smoking something he shouldn’t be. I wasn’t going to mess with him as long as he answered our questions.

 “Mysterious,” I greeted him, walking up briskly with Chris and Dylan flanking me.

He turned defensively but relaxed a little when he saw it was me. He tensed again when he saw Chris and Dylan behind me, but I’m pretty sure it was seeing Chris that set him off.

Which meant he had to have known something.

“Hello, Coppertongue,” he greeted me, “What brings you here?”

“I need information about your friend,” I answered, not bothering to beat around the bush. He was either with me, or against me. For his sake, I hoped with.

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