Chapter Twenty Six (AA)

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*Jadyn’s Point of View*

“Shhh, you’ll wake her up before we’re ready!” I whispered, ushering Kevin and Jacob inside.

It was Saturday morning and it was Chris’s seventeenth birthday.

The clock read 9:30, so I hurried them into the kitchen, where Haley and Nathan were making breakfast. Dylan was putting up the last of the decorations with Seth, and Tyler was setting up games for us to play; poker, twister and Scene-It.

God knows Chris loves Scene-It. She was a Disney freak.

“I made her a gift!” Jacob said, holding up a little box. “I wrapped it myself too,” he said, grinning.

I laughed and put it on the table, next to the others.

“Conner’s picking up the cake in a little while,” Haley told me, “And the ice cream’s in the freezer.”

I gave her the thumbs up and went to help Dylan hang up the last banner.

“Are we ready guys?” Seth asked.

“We will be as soon as we set the table,” Tyler told him, getting plates out of a cabinet.

Nathan got the cups and Haley grabbed the silverware.

“Ready?” I asked, standing beside the stereo.

Every one nodded.

“WAIT!” Jacob shouted; everybody looked at him.

“I get first birthday hug,” he grinned and we laughed, agreeing.

Then the music was blasting.

It didn’t wake her up until the words started; it was Nightmare, by Avenged Sevenfold, and she came into the kitchen within moments, mouthing the words.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” we yelled at her.

She grinned after jumping, and almost fell when Jacob jumped into her arms.

*Chris’s Point of View*

“Jake!” I yelled, as he jumped at me.

“Chris!” he answered, crashing into my arms, “Happy birthday!”

I laughed as he pulled me to the table.

While everyone else sat down, he was talking about how Jadyn called his dad and told them what they were doing for my birthday.

“I got you a gift too!” he said, “It’s a-”

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