Chapter Seven (H)

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*Chris’s point of view*

The next day was quiet. I’d stayed the night at Nathan’s place (we’d all stayed over) and I had clothes in the room he let me stay in when I felt like coming over.

Pulling on a red shirt and deep blue-jeans, I settled at the table to eat some left over lasagna. I was joined shortly by Dylan and Haley.

Dylan sighed quietly; I ignored it and continued eating my breakfast. He sighed again, this time louder and I purposefully ignored him. The next time he did it, he made sure to make the beginning enunciated and drag it out a good couple seconds; Haley was silently laughing at him.

Rolling my eyes, I looked over to him. “What?” I asked him; he grinned and I couldn’t keep from grinning back.

“I was wondering how you think I’ll look with lavender hair,” he answered, posing with his hand in his hair like they do for shampoo commercials. I laughed and so did Haley.

“Absolutely gorgeous,” Jadyn said, grinning as he joined us in the kitchen. “And I’m sure your pink shorts will really make your eyes pop,” Dylan returned; both guys burst out laughing.

Nathan came in and beckoned us to the van and we climbed in still laughing.

When we got to the school, I jumped out of the vehicle and stopped in front of Nathan.

“Since you need that dress for tomorrow,” I told him, grinning, “I was wondering whether you wanted to go shopping with Dylan, Jadyn and I later.” “Sure,” he said; I caught up to Jadyn and told him to wait by his locker for us.

I found Dylan on the way to first period.

“We’re meeting Jadyn at his locker after school, and then meeting Nathan at the van to go shopping for tomorrow’s fun,” I told him. He chuckled. “I’m in,” he said.

The rest of the day was uneventful. Tyler didn’t mess with me; he just stared at me during gym and in the hallways, grinning mischievously; I decided he was just some freaky stalker-like guy and ignored him.

Despite the fact that they were supposed to be unpleasant and we were supposed to be grudgingly doing them, all four of us were excited.

Pulling into the target, Jadyn and I climbed out of the back while Nathan and Dylan hopped out of the front.

“Let’s go,” I announced, grinning. Nathan and Jadyn went straight to the women’s department while I went with Dylan to costumes. “I’ll help you with yours after you help me with mine,” he told me.

“How hard can yours be?” I asked, “Lavender is lavender!” I was wrong. We got to the hair coloring aisle and came face to face with like twelve different purples.

Exchanging a glance, Dylan and I set to work; none of them said lavender. “You know what lavender looks like, don’t you?” I asked him; he nodded.

“Look through your six again, and pick out the ones that look most like lavender and I’ll do the same to my side.” Nodding again, Dylan began looking.

I started with the darkest ones on my side, pushing two to the side, but keeping the next one. The next one was easily tossed away (it looked metallic) but the last two were very close in color, and they both resembled lavender.

I kept both and waited for Dylan to finish; he had two. Lining the five up, we scrutinized each one. The first one I’d kept was too dark and the last one he’d chosen was too light.

Tossing them out, we looked at the last three. It took us ten minutes to decide that the one Dylan had chose was closest; the label read Misty Lilac. I gave Dylan a flat look.

“You do know that lilac is close enough to lavender that we could have just picked that one and it would have been done and over with, right?” I asked him. He gave a sheepish smile, “Am I supposed to know that?”

We laughed and headed towards the women’s aisle.

“So,” I asked, “What should I wear to be gothic for a day?” Dylan grinned mischievously.

He pulled a bunch of clothes off different racks and shoved them into my arms, pulling me into a dressing room with him. “Try them on,” he instructed, sitting in the chair in the room corner.

I tried a bunch of them on and it took us half-an-hour to decide on an outfit.

It was a tight, black shirt that was strapless, and pants that were black and baggy. They had chains draping from the front pocket to the back pockets, and smaller chains draping at some spots down the legs.

My shoes were black and grey, and I had a chocker around my neck that held small purple gems. My hair would be decided later. My silver ring played nicely with the outfit and I smiled in the mirror.

“I said they had to be gothic clothes,” he said, “I never said you couldn’t look good in it.”

“We walked around until we found the other two over in the dress aisle with Nathan; he hid the dress he chose behind his back and told us that he and Jadyn would be out in a bit.

Dylan and I went and paid for our stuff after he gave us the keys, and we went and sat in the van until they arrived not ten minutes later.

“All of our outfits are surprises now,” Nathan grinned, “I can’t wait to see you guys tomorrow.”

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