Chapter Forty Four (SS)

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I know, I know, it's been sooo long. I just wanted to make sure I was happy with the chapters before I gave them to you guys so you had the best I could give!!

*Chris’s Point of View*

“So who’s picking up Jake after school?” Dylan asked me; we were sitting in first period.

“Nathan said he and Seth are going with Tyler to the store for new shorts before Tyler’s fight, and Jadyn said we could pick him up on the way over to my house,” I told him, trying to focus on the board.

“What are you thinking about doing with the house until your dad gets back?” he asked me. It took me a minute to answer- my thoughts were distracted.

“Oh, I’m not sure yet,” I answered, “The house itself is pretty big.”

I felt Dylan’s hand grab my chin, turning my head to face him gently.

“Chris, what’s wrong?” he asked me softly, “You’ve been somewhere else all morning, and last night, when we were alone.”

I hesitated. “Why didn’t you talk to me before you talked to Kevin?” I asked him, watching his eyes.

Chagrin filled them. “I didn’t want you to try to stop us from helping you,” he told me, his eyes begging, “We did it to protect you, not to take you away from him, you’ve got to believe that.”

“I do believe you,” I answered, lacing my fingers in his, “I just… It’s going to be different, you know? I can go back to the house now, and feel safe- but I’ll know he won’t be there. He’s my dad,” I added softly.

He nodded and held my hand tighter.

“We can talk to the guys about moving in with you, or about you moving in over there permanently, that way you’re not alone,” he offered, trying to keep the eagerness to help out of his voice. I smiled at him.

“We’ll figure something out,” I told him, “Now, shut it, I can’t take notes if I’m being distracted by a cute boy.”

He chuckled and released my hand.

“I’m the good kind of distraction,” he answered quietly, almost to himself.

“Whatever helps you sleep at night,” I responded, just as quiet.

You help me sleep at night,” he whispered. I jabbed him in the shoulder and he laughed, catching the teacher’s attention.

“Something funny back there?” The teacher asked, eyebrows raised.

Dylan grinned. “Chris is making dirty jokes is all. They’re very distracting.”

My mouth dropped to the floor as students around us started snickering.

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