Chapter Twenty Five (Z)

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­*Chris’s Point of View*

The cops never came to the house; we figured out why during first period the next morning.

I was sitting beside Dylan in first period when someone knocked on the door; one of the students opened it, and a cop walked in.


Dylan and I exchanged a look, and we both understood one another’s response.


He whispered something to the teacher and she nodded, taking a seat behind her desk.

Then the cop stood in front of all of us and eyed us down.

“It seems there is some fighting going on in our streets,” he began.

Lie. It only happened at the rings, a street, and it wasn’t even a street; it was more of an open alley.

He wasn’t coming right out and telling every one about the rings because he didn’t want people who didn’t know about them, to know.

I gave Dylan a side glance and he was frowning.

“If anyone’s heard about these fights, or suspects anyone of being a part of them, let me know, or any of the teachers here at this school. This is a serious matter,” he said, looking around the room.

A few kids raised their hands.

He called on the first one.

“What kind of fights are they? Like, are they rumbles, or are they beat-the-crap-out-of-your-opponent fights?” the boy asked.

The cop hesitated, not wanting to give away information.

“They’re illegal fights,” he finally said.

“Who’s doing them? And why?” Another girl spoke out instead of waiting to be called on.

“We don’t know,” the cop told us, “That’s why we need your help to find out. You are our eyes and ears.”

The cop kept talking and answering questions until the bell rang, and Dylan and I were out first.

“What are we going to do if someone knows and they squeal on us?” I asked quietly.

“Nobody knows except for who’s in our group; Nathan, Jadyn, Haley, Tyler, Seth, You, me, and that’s it.”

“Conner now, too,” I put in, “And Kevin.”

Dylan nodded.

“I think we’ll be safe as long as we stay on the down-low for now.”

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