Chapter Eight (I)

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*Chris’s point of view*

I woke up Tuesday morning and jumped out of bed, grabbing my things and my IPod, and called Nathan to come pick me up. He was there in moments.

He was the only one in the car. “Where are Dylan and Jadyn?” I asked; Nathan grinned. “Well Jadyn is hiding in his room, refusing to come out, and Dylan is sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for your assistance,” he relayed.

Chuckling, I hopped out of the car as he pulled into the driveway. Dylan really was sitting there, waiting.

“You ready?” I asked him; he grinned at me and hopped up. Deciding to do it in his room, he led me to the closet where the vacuum was kept.

“Why’d you hide it here?” I asked him.

“Because if I’d hid it anywhere else they would have found it and peeked; neither of them even touches this closet because cleaning is their worst nightmare,” he chuckled as we walked to his room.

Closing the door, I opened the can of purple color and spray tested it in the air; it worked.

Dylan held his breath as I began. I started with the lower layers and worked my way up; his hair was thick. Since he’d already brushed it, it wasn’t too hard; it just took a bit of time.

When I was finished, I pulled him to the mirror he had hanging on his wall; it was huge.

His reaction was hilarious. His mouth dropped open, and his eyes grew huge before the grin set into place.

“I was right,” he said to me, changing the angle to get a view of the back, “I do look good with lavender hair. But now,” he turned to look at me, “It’s your turn.”

I stripped down to my panties and my bra and pulled on the pants first, followed by the shirt. Next came the shoes, and then the choker.

I was on my way to look in the mirror but he pulled me to the chair he’d sat in and began working on my hair.

“It doesn’t have to be perfect,” I told him; I could hear the smile in his voice. “I know, but it’s going to be anyway.” It took him twenty minutes to do my hair.

Yanking me to the mirror, he positioned me just in front of it and told me to open my eyes. I was astounded. He’d put purple streaks in my black hair, and the ends of my bangs were a fiery lavender.

“I love it!” I told him, turning to see the back. He grinned. “You better,” he told me, “Because this won’t wash out for a few days.” “Neither will yours,” I started laughing.

We decided that the others couldn’t see our attire until after first period, as we’d all planned yesterday.

I pulled off my pants, replacing them with regular jeans, and pulled on a large hoodie that covered my hair and my shirt. I put the pants in my backpack, deciding I’d change into them during first period.

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