Chapter Twenty Eight (CC)

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*Dylan’s Point of View*

I woke up on the couch beside Chris, who was leaning on me, and Haley, who was leaning on Chris. Jadyn was on the floor in front of us, laying under Jake, and Nathan was dead in the chair.

Today was going to be interesting.

I thought about how I was going to seduce my lovely girlfriend. I had a feeling her end of the bet was pretty similar, due to Nathan’s and Jadyn’s reaction when she told him.

Oh gosh.

I shifted and Chris opened her eyes, sleep plain in her expression. I laughed at her messy hair and she grinned at me, yawning.

She shook Haley awake, or at least tried too, but Haley just groaned and punched her in the arm.

When Chris whined, Haley laughed quietly to herself, so Chris got up, letting Haley fall against me, and then she sat on her.

Haley was up after that.

“We have to go to the store,” Chris stood up and stretched her arms above her head, yawning again.

I took advantage and tickled her armpits before she made a sound that sounded like a cross between a gurgle and a laugh.

I laughed at her and she snatched the pillow from under Jadyn’s head and threw it at me.

That woke Jadyn up, and he grabbed a discarded pillow from under the coffee table and hit Chris with it for taking his pillow.

From there, it was a whirl of feathers and pillow cases.

I grabbed the one she’d chucked at me and swung blindly for contact with something and took a blow to the back of the head, falling on top of who I believed to be Jadyn.

I took to beating him with my pillow and heard him yell, “It is so ON, Chris!”

“Come here Jadyn!” Chris yelled from my left, attacking me with a pillow.

Then I was overtook by both of them, who were swinging their pillows blindly at me, while Jacob, who’d been woken up, attacked Nathan with Haley.

When the pillows stopped flying, I was on the ground below Chris and Jadyn and Nathan, poor guy, was standing defensively with the smallest pillow there was while Haley and Jacob cornered him.

There was a second of silence.

“You’re not Jadyn,” Chris told me.

I rolled my eyes and laughed as he and Jadyn helped me up.

“YOU GUYS ATTACKED ME!” I yelled at them; they laughed and gave each other a high-five.

Nathan made breakfast while Haley, Chris and I went to change.

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