Chapter Twelve (M)

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*Chris’s point of view*

Saturday was a lazy day until about five. The fights were earlier on weekends.

Tonight, my opponent was Coppertongue, an unknown. I hadn’t versed him before.

Jadyn was also fighting tonight, against the Prowler.

Tonight’s fights were quick. Coppertongue wasn’t much of an opponent to me; he used quick stepping techniques rather than striking me.

Instead of letting it tire me out, I waited patiently until he danced a little to close, and I came in with fists of fury and accurate kicks. My hits were hard, and Coppertongue fell with a blow to the stomach.

I finished before Jadyn did, so I stood at his ring with Nathan, Dylan and Haley, watching his moves and the Prowler’s counter moves.

I wished for the chance to fight Jadyn’s opponent again; I wanted to redeem the loss.

My mind took a less pleasant course, thinking about Tyler’s interference in my fighting life and my school life.

Jackhammer lost, and by the time we were at the van, my mood was unpleasant, despite my win.

“Something wrong?” Dylan asked me on the way back to Nathan’s place.

Oh yeah. There was something wrong. Tyler had complete control over my life, and my dad was showing the beginning signs of an abusive drinker.

I didn’t answer, giving a small smile to reassure him.

When we parked, I was the first one to the door. I went to my room and hit the first thing I saw; the mirror. I didn’t hit it hard enough to crack it, but it was sure gonna make my knuckles sore later.

I punched it again with my left fist and followed that one with my right; both knuckles were protesting.

My knuckles throbbing, I smiled into the mirror. I was violent when I was angry.

Glancing down at my hands, I saw the red skin and walked to get a glass of tea from the kitchen; the others were standing there talking and laughing.

“Hey, it’s our champ,” Jadyn said, spotting me, “You still get the first.” He held a whiskey shot out and I took it, downing it with a grin; my mood was a bit better.

The others whooped and took their shots and I was tugged to the living room.

“What’s wrong?” Haley asked me.

“Nothing,” I told her.

“Lie,” Dylan chirped; it was quiet while they waited for an explanation.

“Tyler,” I said, “Is my problem.”

I explained my situation and, when I finished, Nathan was the first to speak. “I’ll beat that little bastard up,” he said. “I’m helping,” Jadyn put in.

“No,” I told them, “If you beat him up, he’ll definitely tell. I just have to find some dirt on him.”

“How?” Dylan asked; I frowned.

“I don’t know yet,” I admitted, “But I’ll figure it out.”

We all started talking about ideas when Nathan’s phone rang.

“Hello?” he said, confused. There was a moment of silence. “No you can’t talk to Chris, who is this?” he asked.

“Who is it?” Haley asked quietly; Nathan mouthed Tyler.

“How did you get my number?!” he asked. I held my hand out for the phone and Nathan gave it to me.

“What do you want?” I asked, my tone unfriendly. “Hey babe, just wanted to ask when our first session is,” he said sweetly.

“I’ll let you know,” I told him.

“Alright. Oh, and another thing, I better not find out you told anybody, or everyone will know your little secret,” he said; I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“Whatever,” I told him.

“Awe, you don’t sound so happy,” He said, “You’ll be happy you get to teach me when we have all that alone time together.”

“That does sound tempting,” I answered, my voice sickly sweet, “Maybe while we’re together, I’ll get the chance to shove you down some stairs and I’ll be even happier!”

The Haley cracked a smile and the boys started snickering.

Tyler’s voice was still angelic. “See you later babe.”

“I am not your babe,” I said reflexively. Only the guys sitting in the living area with me right now could call me names like that.

“You are if I want you to be,” he told me, reminding me he had power over who knew my secret.

Dummes Arschloch!” I barked, hanging up.

I relayed the conversation to them and there was a moment of silence.

“You called him a stupid asshole?” Jadyn asked; all five of us couldn’t help the laughter that followed that.

“Don’t worry about Tyler,” Dylan ruffled my hair, “There’s nothing we can do, so we’ll just have to let things play out.”

I scoffed internally.

There’s nothing we can do.

We’ll see about that.

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