Chapter Four (D)

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*Chris’s point of view*

When I woke up, the right side of my face was sore. Looking in the mirror, my lips curved to a frown. The bruise was big enough, and it was a blue-purple color.

I didn’t want a lot of questions from anyone, so I wore a black hoodie I had in my closet and pulled the hood over my head so it shadowed my face.

It would work, unless someone pulled the hood off.

Cautiously, I made my way to the kitchen, looking for dad; he was no where. Sighing with relief, I grabbed my things, stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth and walked outside to wait for Nathan.

He pulled up about fifteen minutes later, on the normal time he picked me up, and I climbed in the back, laying in the backseat quietly.

Jadyn and Nathan talked to one another in the front for a bit before Nathan glanced in the mirror, looking at me worriedly. “You alright?” he asked.

“Yeah, and what’s the hoodie for?” Jadyn asked, turning to look at me. “I didn’t get any sleep,” I told them, “The hoodie is going to let me sleep during class.”

Jadyn grinned. “Smart girl,” he approved; we all started laughing.

When we pulled up to the school, I excused myself to class by telling them I wanted to get ahead start on my sleeping. I was just walking inside when Dylan caught up with me.

I looked at him and he shrugged. “There was really no reason for me to stay, they’re talking about a video game they played last night,” he answered my unasked question. I laughed.

“That sure sounds like them,” I grinned. We reached our classroom and Dylan walked inside while I stopped at the water fountain.

After taking a sip, I wiped my mouth on the back of my hand. I was about to walk into class when someone grabbed my hood. Quickly, I spun around and leaned over so that, when Tyler pulled my hood, it went forwards instead of being tugged off.

“What’s the hoodie for?” he asked, “Hiding an injury perchance?” I was surprised; at first I thought he knew my dad had hit me.

But then it dawned on me that he was just being an idiot. Glaring at him, I jerked away and turned to stalk into class but he yanked my hood off my head.

I snatched it back up and slipped into class as fast as I could, but not before I saw the surprised look on his face; he’d seen the bruise.

*Tyler’s point of view*

During my first three periods, I was thinking.

After I’d yanked the hood of her head, Chris had gotten away as fast as she could. I’d suspected the hoodie to be hiding something, but I hadn’t dreamed it would be a bruise on the side of her face.

Where had it come from?! Fighting? Did she fall?

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