Chapter Thirty One (FF)

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*Dylan’s Point of View*

I was sitting in the living room with Seth and Nathan when Chris came out.

Her hair was brushed, which meant she’d been up long enough to collect her thoughts.

I was worried about her being upset with me. There was a few moments of silence before she yawned and said, “Who’s ready for the dance tonight?”

Nathan and Seth grinned at each other and she smiled at me.

So… All was well?

We followed her into the kitchen and helped ourselves to some breakfast; we had to leave for school soon.

“Is Haley awake? And Jadyn?” she asked.

Jadyn walked in as response and told her that Haley was getting out of the shower.

“You’re ALL going to the dance,” Jadyn told us, grinning, “Because we’re playing poker right now, and we’re making bets. All of them have to be based on the dance.”

“Come on,” Nathan whined, “We have to leave in like half-an-hour; can’t we do it when we get home?”

“Yeah,” Chris supported him.

Jadyn rolled his eyes but agreed.

“Fine,” he told us.

Haley came into the kitchen while we were discussing possible bets.

“Ooh, bets for what exactly?” Haley asked, walking into the kitchen and stretching.

“This afternoon’s poker game for the dance,” Seth filled her in.

Haley grinned and looked at Jadyn. “Your idea?” she asked, already knowing the answer.


She laughed and joined us for breakfast.

*Chris’s Point of View*

I had another interaction before gym- only this time it was from one of Roary’s buddies.

I was walking to class with Seth when Roary’s buddy- whose name escapes me- jumped on Seth.

Seth went into action immediately and slammed him into a wall. Then I jumped onto his back and brought him to the floor with my weight.

When he threw me off, I hit the ground, but jumped up to keep him away from Seth. He swung blindly, not really aiming, hitting me and Seth when he swung, and then Seth and I were off, running to class like there was no tomorrow.

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