Chapter Thirty Six (KK)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

I woke up anxious for night to come.

Dylan was lying beside me, his arm wrapped around my belly so that his hand pressed against my back. I was content lying there for hours.

Rolling to face him, I brushed his cheek lightly with my fingertips.

“Dylan,” I murmured, “Are you awake?”

“’Course I’m awake, your hand is like ice,” he mumbled, grinning.

I snatched my hand away and shoved off the bed.

“Hmph,” I scoffed, marching out to the kitchen. He followed me, laughing as his arms wrapped around my waist.

Seth was asleep on the couch when I rounded the corner to turn the TV on, so I did the mature thing.


Seth was awake as soon as my butt hit his back.

“YOU’RE SQUISHING ME!” Rolling over, Seth took both of us to the floor, laughing as I was smashed underneath him.

As I wrestled him off of me, Haley and Jadyn came into the living room, pausing as they saw us on the floor.

We froze, staring at them.


Laughter broke out almost simultaneously.

When I finally got free, I sprang to my feet and ran into the kitchen before he could catch me, hiding behind Dylan, who picked me up and put me on the counter next to the stove.

“You want help cooking?” I offered, looking at the pancake mix.

He smiled and shook his head.

“What are we taking to the meeting?” Nathan yawned, stretching on his toes as he flopped into a kitchen chair.

“Guns? Knives? Flamethrowers?”

“Shut up Jadyn.”

He held up his hands, grinning, “Just kidding guys.”

“It’s actually not a bad idea,” Haley said, “Only a couple of us are going; safety first, right?”

Dylan, Nathan, Tyler, Conner and I were the only ones attending. Plus whoever else Ironarm invited.

My stomach had that uneasy feeling again.

“We have knives we can stash,” Dylan said, “And we won’t use them unless we have too.”

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