Chapter Twenty Two (W)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

Tuesday morning was interesting.

I was walking to gym, alone because Seth had been held after class and told me to go ahead, and Roary was waiting around the corner for some one.

Unfortunately, he saw me round the corner and didn’t let me make a U-turn. Lucky me.

“Wait up Chris,” he said, coming up behind me and grabbing my backpack before I could leave.

Pulling me backwards, he turned me to face him.

“How’s my favorite little slut?” he asked, his smile sweet as vice.

“I don’t know, how is your girlfriend?” I asked, “Oh, wait, I forgot you didn’t have one. My bad.”

His façade dropped.

“Shut up,” he hissed, “Or I’ll make you.”

“Excuse me?” I asked, my voice like ice.

“You heard me, bitch,” he said, pinning my wrists against the wall when I went to slap him across the face. I couldn’t get out of his grip.

“Stupid arschloch,” I hissed, “Get off of me.”

“Why?” he asked, smirking at the slight panic in my voice.

I twitched and he stepped closer so that his body was almost against mine. “Uncomfortable?” he smirked wider.

“Off, now,” Seth said, coming up behind him.

Roary jumped at the interruption; Seth had been really quiet. With Roary distracted, his grip wasn’t as tight, so I was able to yank my wrists away from him.

Seth put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to class, leaving Roary alone in the middle of an empty hallway.

“Chris, you’re shaking like crazy,” Seth said, worried, “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” I murmured, massaging the bruises that were going to form on my wrist later, “I couldn’t break his hold; it made me panic.”

“Sorry I didn’t get there soon enough,” he told me, looking at my wrist as I rubbed them.

I stopped messing with them, dropping my hands to my sides.

“I think you got there just in time, actually,” I smiled at him, “Thank you. Really.”

He smiled back, but it wasn’t big. “Are you okay?” I asked him.

“I’m fine, I was just worried he’d hurt you,” he added under my stare.

“I’m alright,” I answered, hugging him around his waist. He hugged back tightly. “You better be,” he murmured. He snuck us into gym through the back again.

Seth agreed to drive me to the fight because he wanted to watch. He also agreed not to tell the others about me being Silentwolf.

He picked me up from Nathan’s place an hour till and took me to my house; I needed my things.

There was an unfamiliar car in the driveway, and, since I voiced this out loud, Seth came inside with me.

The door was unlocked, and when I cracked it open, I heard dad laughing with two other voices.

“Its dad’s company,” I murmured to him, “Why don’t you wait in the car?”

The worry in my voice told him otherwise.

“I’m coming in,” he told me. I obliged, opening the door all the way.

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