Chapter Twenty One (V)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

I woke up a few minutes before my alarm went off. No nightmare. I ran my fingers over the cuts I’d made after Dylan left me alone last night.

Coppertongue was wrong. They did help.

They let the anger and the hurt out; the guilt was gone today.

Stretching, I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash my face and check the top of my head; there was a small cut, but it didn’t hurt, it was just tender.

Dylan and Haley were sleeping; when Haley came in last night, I had no idea. I spent the next ten minutes making eggs for all of us.

The smell attracted Jadyn, Nathan and Dylan, and Haley came in a few minutes later.

“Mmm, good morning bed head,” I told her, grinning. She chuckled.

“I was up late, give a girl a break,” she got plates down and helped me give out servings. Breakfast consisted of talk about the fights tonight. Haley, Dylan and I were all ready to kick some ass.

At school, things were pretty average. At least, they were until right before gym.

Seth and I decided to walk together since his class was only two doors down from mine and Roary and his two buddies cornered us. One came in from one side and two came in from the other.

“Shit,” Seth muttered.

“Oh look,” Roary smirked at Seth, “It’s the lesbian lovers. Still need her to fight your battles?”

“Still need those to fight yours?” I responded, gesturing the bulky kids behind him. Roary’s smirk became an angry one.

“Shut up bitch, I was talking to her,” he looked at Seth again.

“Sorry, I don’t think he’s interested in you Roary, but I’m sure one of the football guys would love to be with a pretty one like you,” I encouraged.

Seth laughed and Roary’s stare was like ice when he looked at me.

“This is the twenty first century bitch,” he got up in my face, “You better watch who you mess with. I’m not afraid to hit the likes of you.”

Suddenly a teacher came around the corner and we all relaxed our posture.

“What’s this?” he asked, eyeing us.

“Just a friendly hello,” I smiled at him, “We were just on our way to gym.”

Seth and I escaped down another hallway and he led the way to another one that let us sneak into the back of the gym.

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