Chapter Forty (OO)

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Another chapter!

*Chris’s Point of View*

I woke up with Satan’s headache.

My eyes opened and the dim lighting was a mercy stroke on the pounding in my head.

“Dylan? Tyler? Seth?” My words came out mumbled, and when my eyes finally opened completely, I saw that I was in a cell with Jadyn, who was sitting right beside me.

“Chris!” His fingers found my face and I winced as he tilted it up to see him.

“Are you okay? What hurts?” he asked me anxiously. I calculated my injuries.

“My head,” I told him, moving my body a bit, “And my shoulder.”

His fingers found a sore spot on my head and I flinched, causing his hands to retreat immediately.

“They hit you with a crowbar,” he told me, “Which is why your head hurts. They probably bruised your skull.”

I looked around again and saw a cell across from ours, with bars blocking their way out, too.

“Where the hell are we?” I asked. “Not a clue,” he responded.


I jumped up and staggered, grabbing the bars for support as Jadyn caught me around the middle.

“Dylan! Haley! Nathan! Tyler! Seth! Isaac! Conner!” My voice rose with each name until Dylan’s face appeared at the bars.

“Chris!” he exclaimed, “I thought I heard you.” The relief that went through me was almost comforting.

“You knew Tyler was there?” Jadyn asked. “Yeah, I saw him and Conner show up and kick the shit out of Blackiron, and then I remember fighting the guy who took my crowbar, and then nothing,” I answered, looking for a way out of the bars.

“Do you want the short story of what happened after they took us out of the Rings?” Dylan asked. I nodded and he started.

“They piled us into a silver van-” “And by ‘us,’ he means you, me, him, Tyler, Seth and Isaac,” Jadyn put in.

“And we drove for less than forty five minutes,” Dylan continued, “The only thing I saw when we got out of the van was a fucking huge house. They brought us here about four hours ago.”

I checked my pockets for my necklace but didn’t find anything.

“They emptied our pockets, but we were fighting too much for them to check anywhere else,” Jadyn said, “By the time they brought you in, they were ready to get the hell out.”

“So I still have my phone,” I said, bending down. I tugged down my sock and tugged my cell out of the make-shift pocket.

“I don’t have anything,” Jadyn told me, “They took my cell and my knife.”

“And my sunglasses,” Dylan told me, disgruntled. I looked at him for a second before laughing.

“What?” he asked, defensive. I held up my phone, still laughing. No bars. It was still funny.

“Only you would be upset about sunglasses in a situation like this,” I chuckled, looking up to meet his gaze, my phone in my pocket.

It felt just like it used too before I remembered he thought I was a cheater.

His smile was genuine and I felt his gaze on me as my eyes dropped, submissive.

It was funny how even in such a serious situation, it was still eating at me.

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