Chapter Eighteen (S)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

I was perky when I woke up.

When we got to school, I bounced to first period and took my seat beside Dylan, who’d walked with me.

“Thank god we’ve got the weekend off, right?” he whispered, “Fighting takes a lot out of you.”

“It sure does,” I grinned. I avoided the part about having the weekend because I didn’t; Silentwolf was fighting tonight and tomorrow.

Classes passed quickly until just before gym. I was late.

I ran down the hall and skidded around a corner, coming up on a bullying scene.

Roary had Seth cornered with two of his meaty friends backing him up.

Seth was in my gym class; we were friends, just not too close.

I walked up and smoothly slid in between Roary and Seth. “Hello, there,” I said, “Come on Seth, coach is expecting us.” I grabbed his arm and began tugging him away when Roary’s hand wrapped around my wrist.

“We have a little business together Chris,” Roary said, giving me a dark smile, “Run along now.”

I yanked my arm away from him.

“Come on Seth,” I said, waiting until he began to follow me. I saw the punch coming.

I jumped in front of Seth, who would have caught it in the jaw, and blocked his hit with my arms crossed in front of me.

I brought my hand to collide with his cheek.

“Next time, maybe you’ll be man enough to throw a punch that they can see rather than trying to sneak it on them,” I told him, turning my back on him.

“Big mistake, bitch,” Roary hissed, slamming me stomach-first into the wall.

Seth pulled him off me and I spun around to punch him in the side of the head. One of his buddies stepped in, grabbing my wrist. He wasn’t going to hit me; he just wanted to keep me off Roary while he got Seth.

I wasn’t having that.

I kneed him in the stomach and he let me go. Turning to help Seth, I yanked Roary backwards and he elbowed me in the stomach.

Doubled over, I kicked his legs out from under him as Seth took one of his buddies down.

When I went to help him, Roary grabbed me around the waist and pinned me against the wall.

Then the teacher came.

The only word that popped into my head: Shit.

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