Chapter Fifty (YY)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

I didn’t sleep. Coffee was my best friend.

Since the bullet didn’t actually go through my arm, it was minor harm, and all I got were a few stitches and some disinfectant.

I was perfectly okay with not being admitted in the hospital.

Dylan came out of Seth’s room with Jadyn and Nathan; Tyler and Conner had gone to get us something other than hospital food.

Haley was getting me and her more coffee with Jake, who was still shaken. Kevin said he wouldn’t be here till a little later because he was tied. He was trying to hurry.

“Is he awake yet?” I asked Jadyn. He smiled a bit and nodded.

“That’s why we were banished from the room,” Dylan told me, “So the nurse could check him real quick.”

Jadyn sat down beside me on the floor and Nathan and Dylan sat down a little to my left.

“You okay?” he asked me.

“Yeah, my arm hurts but it’s not killing me yet,” I answered.

“I wasn’t asking about your arm,” Dylan said gently.

I grimaced.

“I feel terrible,” I answered softly, “He shouldn’t have jumped in front of me. The bullet would have hit me lower, in my hip maybe. It wouldn’t have done as much damage to me.”

Jadyn’s hand was rubbing circles in my back.

“He did it to save you,” he told me, pride clear in his voice, “When he’s all better, you can kick him down to show him just how stupid he was. But for now, be happy that we’re all safe.”

I laughed.

I’d certainly planned on beating the crap out of him later.

I got a hug from Jadyn and Dylan, and then Nathan joined.

I was being thoroughly squished when I heard Jake.

“Who started a group hug without me?” he demanded, pushing Jadyn and Dylan out of the way so he could get to me.

The other’s let go and I wrapped Jake in my arms and he plopped in my lap.

“How are you, Jake?” I asked him. He didn’t answer, looking at the others.

The nurse came out of Seth’s room and told us that we could visit him now, but not to overwhelm him.

I looked at Nathan, Dylan and Haley and they got the message, getting up and going to visit Seth.

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