Chapter Forty Two (QQ)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

Monday morning was slow. I woke up at six thirty to the smell of bacon and pancakes and felt Dylan’s arm resting on my side.

“Dylan,” I murmured; no answer. Grinning evilly, I smiled to myself and grabbed my phone, clicking on Jadyn’s number quietly.

Get in here, quietly I texted him.

I’m cooking! He answered.

Let Nathan take over, you’ll love this I responded. He came around the corner on tiptoes not thirty seconds later.

I beckoned him forward, grinning as wide as I could grin.

Grabbing his outstretched hand and maneuvering out of Dylan’s grip so as not to wake him, I tugged Jadyn out and around the corner of the door.

“What is it?” he whispered, waiting for the plan I’d hatched.

“Crawl into bed with him, gently. I’m going to whisper to him so he thinks it’s me. I just want to see what he does when he wakes up to find a sexy Jadyn in bed with him,” I told him; he was grinning halfway through my explanation.

Quietly, we crept back into the room and I helped Jadyn climb into bed beside Dylan; Dylan’s arms immediately snaked around Jadyn’s body.

Jadyn bit his lip against laughing and looked at me expectantly.

“Dylan,” I murmured, leaning over the bed so my voice sounded like it was coming from right beside him.

“Mmmmm,” Dylan answered, cuddling closer to Jadyn, “Hi baby.”

“Are you comfy?” I asked him. He nodded, his eyes still closed, and pressed his lips against Jadyn’s neck.

Jadyn bit back a grin and mouthed the words ‘this is so gay!’ to me. I stifled a laugh and bent over the bed again, deciding to be mean to Jadyn.

“Feel free to go wherever you please,” I told him, grinning evilly at Jadyn; Jadyn only smirked as Dylan’s hand went up his shirt.

“I love your body,” Dylan murmured; Jadyn and I held back laughter.

Nuzzling his face against Jadyn’s stomach, Jadyn took to running his fingers through Dylan’s hair.

“Mmmmmm,” Dylan said again.

“That’s right,” Jadyn said, trying to imitate my voice, “You like that?”

Dylan nodded and Jadyn leaned his head down so his lips were right by Dylan’s head.

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