Chapter Twenty Seven (BB)

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*Chris’s Point of View*

I woke up in a good mood.

I’d fallen asleep on the living room couch, talking to Dylan and Seth about something- I don’t even remember what it was.

My head was in Dylan’s lap and my legs on Seth’s lap; they were both asleep.

I rolled onto the floor, catching myself on my hands and feet so I didn’t make too much noise, and went to change. I was still wearing the clothes from the party.

I pulled on a pair of short jean shorts and a purple tank-top before walking back into the living room and curling up in the chair.

I turned the TV on and changed it to Disney channel; yes, I like Disney channel.

The volume was low, but I could still hear it, so I watched Emperor’s New School until I drifted to sleep again.

I was woken up by a heavy weight dropping on me.

Or rather, jumping on me.

I opened my eyes and a very hyper Jacob was laying on me, grinning.

“Happy day-after-your-birthday day!” he told me.

I laughed and he jumped up to help me to my feet.

“What time is it?” I asked, pulling out my phone to check.

Ten in the morning.

“Where’s your dad?” I asked him.

“Dylan told him that you guys could watch me for today and he could go off and do whatever he needed to do. You’re stuck with me now,” he looked up at me angelically.

“Dylan!” I yelled.

He came around the corner to the kitchen and grinned at my glare.

“Don’t you want to spend time with your little cousin?” he asked me innocently, his expression matching his voice.

I looked down at Jacob and he wore the same expression.

“Fine!” I gave in and the boys grinned.

“What do you want to do?” I asked Jacob.

“Scene-It,” he told me, picking up the box we’d left on the coffee table yesterday.

I grinned.

“I’m going to cream you boy,” I told him, cocky.

“Pffft,” he answered, “Boys rule, girls drool.”

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