Chapter One

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Quick A/N

Hey yall!! I am writing this authors note seven years after I first wrote this chapter. That's pretty insane. I just wanted to thank you all for all the love you've given me over the years and let you know that (a) I know some parts of this story like this first chapter are cringey af. I was a kid, forgive me and (b) I am currently editing this story. I know you guys haven't received an update in a while. I know how I want this story to end but, my writing process on this one is very involved as I take the dialogue directly from the show (for accuracy) and don't have as much time as I used to. I do plan on continuing this story!! please do not think otherwise!! anyways, thats all I wanted to say. Enjoy!!


Y/n Pov

I was asleep. That is, until I wasn't. Until I heard a scream.

It ripped through the air and I shot up in bed. Somehow I knew things were different, the world felt changed.

Another scream split the world.

"No!" yelled the muffled voice of my father, "No! I said I'd pay you! I was almost there! I-"

Something, more likely someone, cut him off. There was a harsh gurgling sound and then a final thud. I clamped my hands over my mouth, choking back a sob as heavy footfalls filled the hallway, coming closer and closer until they at last stopped right outside my door.

With a bang, it shot open and an old man entered the room. He had chin length grey hair and wore a monocle. He carried himself with an air of superiority and stood silently, watching me in the dark as tears streamed down my face.

Another, younger, man rushed into the room. This one had messy orange hair and seemed to be around my age. He wore an oversized green coat and panted for a second before turning to the first man.

"The police are on their way." he said, breathless.

The older man let out a low, soft, growl.

"Take the girl and let's go." he said before sweeping out of the room.

I scooted away from him so my back was pressed against the headboard. The boy let out a short, haughty laugh and placed his hands on his hips.

"Pathetic." he mused, leaning over me.

Before I knew what was happening, he was pinning me down, securing my wrists with one hand while reaching for something in his pocket with the other.

He brought out two pairs of shiny, silver, handcuffs. I struggled under his grip but, I had never had a reason to learn how to properly fight off an attacker so I was powerless as he forcefully secured the cuffs around my wrists and then my ankles. He was careful to keep his knees between my legs so I could not hurt him before he abruptly slung me over his shoulder. I kicked him, punched him, yelled.

He just laughed.

I was not strong and, as he stepped out the door of my house, I became weaker still.

Finally, I surrendered and was thrown into the back of a truck.

"That's more like it." he sneered as I lay, limply on the floor.

Tears continued to stream down my face as I forced myself to sit up. I wiped my eyes, begging myself to stop crying, to be strong.

"What are you going to do with me?" I asked, much quieter than I had meant to.

"How should I know!" he responded, annoyed, "I'm just following orders."

The doors of the truck slammed shut and I heard someone get into the front seat as the engine started.

There was a hiss of air, or maybe gas being let into the back of the truck, and I began to feel dizzy.

definitely gas.

I thought to myself as the darkness began to creep in. The last thing I remembered was the feeling of my head hitting the metal floor.

status: edited October 24th, 2023

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