Chapter 1: Them

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Lily's POV

Ever since I was a little girl, my parents told me stories about the monsters in our town, in our world.

Those monsters, often referred to as they or them, lived among normal humans. The danger was that they could attack you at any given time, whenever and wherever they wanted.

They appeared normal on the outside but were dangerous, armed with killing tools such as nails and teeth sharper than the sharpest knives you could think of. They were murderers out for blood, for food, for fresh human flesh.

They were dangerous, selfish, incompetent to love, mean and evil.

My dad was an important person in the armed forces against them. He'd work late often and made it his mission to clean this town, for me.

He became an armed force because of personal reasons. My grandma, his mom, was killed by them. He witnessed this. His mom had just hidden him when they got in her house and killed her right then and there.

Ever since then dad was out for revenge. And of course to protect me. Though he could sometimes be too paranoid, I get why he did what he did.

And so mom and dad prepared me for anything, they wanted me to be ready to fight against them.

Yet no one was ready for what was about to happen...



I hurried downstairs immediately, and ran to the kitchen. "Yes?"

Mom was standing there, holding dad's head in her hands. "Get me some tissues, hurry!"

I took tissues and handed them to her. I also made some wet. "What happened?" I dabbed dad's wound slowly.

Dad grunted. "They surprised us last night."

Mom sighed as she caressed dad's head. "Thankfully you're ok."

I pulled the tissue away to inspect the wound. "It doesn't look too bad."

"No," Mom slowly dabbed the wound dry. "It doesn't indeed."

"Thankfully," Dad got up and slowly rubbed his head. "When they surprise me again, I'll kill them all!"

"Dad," I took his hand in mine. "Calm down."

"They're not worth it, honey." Mom slowly caressed dad's face. "All that matters right now is that you're safe, and we are all safe."

Dad looked from mom to me, then caressed my face. "You're right," He then looked at mom too. "We're safe, that's all that matters." He sighed. "But how long before they'll find out where I live and come here."

"But they can't enter," Mom smiled reassuringly at dad. "Remember?"

Dad slowly nodded. He then looked at me. "You should be even more careful right now."

I nodded. "I know."

He nodded. "Good." He then looked at mom. "I think I'm going to rest now."

"Good idea," Mom took dad with her. But before they'd go upstairs, she looked at me again. "I left the paper on the table, so you can check what's available in the environment."

I nodded to which mom helped dad upstairs. I then went to sit down while reading the paper mom left me. You see, mom and dad wanted me to get a job. They wanted me to have that so I'd become more mature and independent. But I knew that was their way of getting me to work with dad, but I refused that. I know they are dangerous, but I'm not interested in hunting them down.

Mom soon came back downstairs. "Well?" She went to sit down in front of me. "Anything good?"

I shrugged. I then put the paper down to look at her. "How can you be sure that none of these are them?"

"I don't," She sighed. "We can never be sure."

I then looked back at the paper. "I don't want to work with dad," I put the paper down on the coffee table. "I'd rather stay away from them as far as possible."

Mom nodded. "I understand."

"Good." I nodded and got up. I took my coat and put it on, opening the front door.

Mom got up immediately, she came to me. "Where are you going? Haven't you seen what time it is already?"

"I know," I took my phone and earphones out, getting them ready for the journey. "I'll be back before curfew. I promise."

Mom looked worried, very worried. I knew she was living in fear with dad being away past curfew, she didn't need me gone past curfew as well...

"I promise." I reassured her. "Like I said, I'd rather stay away from them as far as possible."

Mom slowly nodded. "Ok," She watched me as I made my way to my bike, which was leaning against the house at all times. "Please keep me updated."

"I will," I got on my bike and then looked at mom for one last time. "I'll leave Avan's place before curfew, if I wouldn't make it home before that, I'll stay over."

Mom nodded.

That's when I rode off, going to Avan's place. He and I hang out a lot. He's my best friend, not only that, he's also my cousin. So if I would miss curfew, I can just stay over. Because he's family.

As I was riding to Avan's place, I was listening to music and kind of in my own head. I wasn't paying enough attention...

Then it happened, I hit someone. 

I immediately got off of my bike and hurried to the person, helping her up. "I'm so sorry, are you ok?"

The woman looked up. "Yes," She got up, with my help. "Just watch out next time. This ended well but it could've ended worse."

"Yes," I took a look at her face, for some reason it stuck with me. I had an odd feeling I was going to come across her again. "Of course."

She nodded but soon enough turned her attention to her phone, which was ringing. "I'm sorry, I have to go." She then took her phone, and answered the person. "Yes, Catherine, I'm on my way."

I watched her walk off into this tall building, until she was out of sight.

I shrugged and decided to continue my journey to Avan's place.


Hey everyone

Welcome to this new story, it's once again a genre I haven't tried yet. We'll see how this'll go...
 I'll update this book every Wednesday. I hope you'll enjoy it :)

- LxT4ever

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