Chapter 44: Stange behavior

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Esmee's POV

I arrived at work, early as always, and turned on my computer once I sat down in my chair. I was always first on this level, I liked being here when no one was. It was my time to go over my work slowly and without stress.

When my computer was on, I noticed a few emails Catherine had sent me yesterday evening. She probably worked some more at home, as she often tends to do.

Thinking back to our conversation yesterday, I wondered how it went. How her mission regarding Lily went. Did she succeed or did she fail miserably? I think the look on her face, when she'll enter the office, will say it all.

And so I started working. I classified some documents, sent some orders through to Catherine and went over our finances... A typical start of my workday.

Then my phone rang. "Hello, office of Miss Le Rouge, Esmee Cortez speaking. How may I help you?"

"Esmee, we have a problem."

I dropped everything I was doing and leaned back in my chair. "What's wrong?"

She sighed. "Catherine and Lily... They..." She paused, breathing in and out a couple of times. "They've done it."

I raised my eyebrows, fighting a smirk. "Isn't that the whole purpose of Lily being there?"

She sighed again, deeper this time.

"What's wrong? Why are you making a big deal out of this? You know we have no choice."

"I know," She let out a breath. "The girl's just so young, and Catherine's acting differently... I'm worried."

This got me worried. Not for Catherine and Lily, but for the worries I was hearing here. "I'll talk to Catherine."

"Oh, would you?"

"I will," I sat back up. "As soon as she arrives. I promise."

She let out a breath of relief. "Will you let me know more?"

"Of course." I smiled. "I'll call you later on."


I then ended the call. 


"Morning." Catherine walked past me, straight to her office.

I got up and walked after her. I entered her office and closed the doors behind me. "So, how did your plan turn out?"

Catherine sat down, sighing.

"That bad?" I sat down as well.

Catherine turned on her computer before giving me her full attention. She then smiled. "It went even better as planned."

I smiled too, seeing Catherine happy always made me happy. "So mission accomplished?"

"I hope so," She then leaned back in her chair. "I was so happy last night, but this morning I woke up and Marianne was in my room." She sighed. "I don't know what's bothering her."

I nodded. "She called," I said to which Catherine looked up at me. "Earlier this morning."

"Why? Why is she getting so worked up now? She's never had an issue with the previous potentials." She buried her face in her hands.

"Apparently you're acting differently compared to when you were with the other potentials."

She sighed before looking at me. "Am I?"

I shrugged.

She looked away, seemingly thinking about something.

"Don't worry, she's just protective over you."

Catherine nodded slowly before looking at me. "I told Lily I love her."

I raised my eyebrows. "And do you?" I paused. "I mean, if that's the case..."

"I know," She looked down. "I know I love her," She then looked at me. "I love her so much."

This could end so badly if Lily isn't the right one. "I really hope she's the one," I sighed. "For your sake, and for hers."

Catherine simply nodded.


Lily's POV

As soon as Catherine left for work, I was left wondering what I was going to do. It's at times like this that I'm reflecting on the choices I've made in my life. Was this really the way life should've gone for me? Was this really where I was supposed to be? What about my future? What about a job? Or a house? A partner? A family? Why am I even thinking about all of these things?

So I decided to go for a walk again, this time around wearing a hoodie that belonged to Catherine.

I went to the park again and sat down on a bench. Sitting here brought back the memory of those two women I encountered here: Riley and Suzy.

I reached into my pocket and looked at the card Riley had given me. Call me when you're alone, she said.

I took my phone and dialed the number on the card. I knew they were trouble, but something in me told me I should at least listen to their story.


"Uhm hello," I gulped, I suddenly got nervous. "I had to call you when I was alone."


"Yes," I looked around. "I'm alone, at the park." I don't know why I added that last bit.

I heard noises in the background. "I'll come to you, stay put, ok?"

I gulped, this felt like a trap, almost. "Uhm sure." But I was too curious. I wanted to hear their stories. And I was wondering what her relationship with Catherine was. Maybe she was a crazy ex, in that case, I should stick with my previous statement: I'm not dating Catherine.

And so I waited. I was really debating internally whether or not this was a bad idea. Maybe I should inform Catherine on my whereabouts? But what if she finds me with these people, people that clearly hate Catherine...

I took my phone and sent Catherine a text, saying: I'll come to your office this afternoon, wait for me. Maybe she'll start looking for me if I don't show up, I'm kind of hoping on that.

15 minutes past and I was still waiting. And the waiting was killing me. What took her so long? Was she coming alone or with other people? What if she's setting everything up to trap me?

"Hello Lily."

I looked behind me, where she was standing. "Hello Riley."

She smiled, it once again seemed genuine. "Come on," She motioned me to follow her. When I did, she led me to a car. "Get in."

Here too I was debating whether I should get in or not. My parents always told me not to get in a car with a stranger, because it could be them... Though I got in a car with Catherine so many times, and she's the Queen bee of them... 

So I got in the car. "Where are we going?" I asked as she started driving.

She glanced at me. "Someplace you'll belong."

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