Chapter 35: Good morning

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Lily's POV

I opened my eyes when daylight touched them. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the lights. Slowly my eyes started processing what I was seeing.

I was alive. I was still alive.

The events of last night crossed my mind. I sat up, looking around the room. I was alone. Catherine wasn't here. Maybe she had left. Maybe that was for the better.

I got up and stretched a bit, at least I was well rested and I felt way better than I did last night. I'm guessing my body had regained its strength again.

I walked to the bathroom to look at the bite marks. Maybe I just dreamed about everything that happened. Maybe I didn't have bite marks. Maybe Catherine was at work and we never came here together.

But when I stood in front of the mirror, I noticed the band-aid. I sighed as I slowly pulled it off. I looked at the bite marks and slowly went over them, I better start adjusting to them. Just like tattoos, they were permanent...

I tossed the band-aid in the trash bin and left the bathroom. There's no use to put a new one on it, so I didn't.

I walked out of the bedroom and went downstairs. I was starving, I wonder what I'll have for breakfast...

When I arrived in the kitchen, I stopped. "Catherine?"

She turned around. "Good morning, Lily."

I was so happy when I saw her regular form again, her gorgeous and not-murderous form. I ran to her, hugging her tightly.

"Well hello." She wrapped her arms around me, kissing my head in the process. "What a nice greeting."

I pulled back a little to look at her face. "I missed you so much."

She smiled while caressing my face, but that smile soon disappeared. She pulled my face up by my chin, her eyes landed on the bite marks. "What happened?"

I gulped as I retreated. I walked to the table and sat down. "You changed."

Catherine sat down too. "What happened?"

"You changed and bit me, you sucked my blood and then we went to bed." I looked down, at the nice-looking omelet on my plate. I took my fork and knife, and started enjoying my breakfast.

Catherine was quiet, very quiet.

I looked up at her and noticed her looking down. She was fidgeting with her own fingers, she seemed to think about something. Or maybe she was worried. "I'm fine," I said, gaining her attention. "Don't worry about it."

Catherine reached for my hands and held them in hers. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that," She looked down again, she really seemed devastated by the things I told her. "I wish I could've stopped it from happening..."

"It's fine," I repeated, I didn't want her to feel bad. "You're back now." I then smiled. "I missed you."

I half expected her to smile, but she didn't. "This'll happen more," She looked at me, she had a serious expression on her face. "I can't control that."

I stopped eating again, I was losing my appetite the more she told me anything. "So what do we do against it?"

Catherine sighed. "I don't know," She leaned back in her chair. "Nothing, I guess."

I processed this news. Was I willing to go through a life with two Catherines: one that was absolutely perfect but could change into a human-eating machine?

"I'll figure something out for this weekend." She then got up, ready to leave me.

"This weekend?" I got up as well. "What do you mean?"

She turned back around. "I can't risk getting you hurt, Lily."

I raised one eyebrow. "Why would I get hurt?" 

Catherine sighed, she looked upset. "I have no control over that form, Lily. It happens, at times." She gulped before adding: "Usually two days in a row."

I then looked down, gulping too. "That form wants my blood, Catherine. It looked like it was ready to eat me..."

"I know," She sighed. "That's why I'm worried for you."

I looked back up at her. "So what do we do about it? We just stay away from each other because you could change?"

"I'm afraid so," She looked down. "I should've told you sooner. I'm sorry."

I looked away. I can't believe she's saying this... I wanted her to be the strong woman I knew she could be, the woman I met. One that didn't seem to fear anything, but here she was, scared of herself.

"So tonight and tomorrow night, you can't be with me."

I looked back at her.

"I'll change again," She shook her head, she seemed so sad. "I don't want to hurt you anymore, it's best if I go." She then left.

I sighed before hurrying after her. I reached her and then turned her around, pulling her lips to mine. I sighed in the kiss, only now realizing just how much I've missed this.

I felt Catherine wrap her arms around me, signalizing just how much she wanted this too. But to me, it also showed that she really cared about me.

I pulled back a bit. "I don't want to end what we have," Even though I'm not sure what it is we have... "So can I stay with you until it's time for me to go?"

Catherine smiled, she seemed relieved this time. "Absolutely." She then took my hand and led us outside the house.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we got in her car.

Catherine put on her seat belt, as did I, and then looked at me. "To my real house."

I raised my eyebrows. "Why can we go there now?"

She shrugged. "I just feel like it." She started the car. "Besides, your kind won't go to that house anymore."

"Why not?"

She smirked. "I just know."

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