Chapter 46: Covering up

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Esmee's POV

Catherine sighed as she entered my office. She took a seat on the chair in front of my desk.

I looked up. "That's a big sigh," I put my work aside, giving her my full attention. "What's up?"

"It's Lily."

I raised my eyebrows. "What about her?"

Catherine leaned onto my desk. "She sent me a text."

I fake gasped. "How dare she!"

Catherine showed me an unamused look. "It's the way she said her words... They strike me as odd." She then handed me her phone, showing the text. "See what you think."

I looked at the text, which said: I'll come to your office this afternoon, wait for me. I then looked at Catherine. "What's odd about that? It's very clear."

Catherine shook her head. "I feel something's not right," She then got up, her fists clenched. "I'm going to her."

I got up. "Catherine, don't," I ordered to which she stopped and looked at me. "Lily will come to you, just wait for her."

She then looked at me. "Fine, but I'm going to ask her about that."

"You do that," I then sat down again. "But don't worry, Lily won't do anything bad. What can she do?"

Catherine slowly nodded.

"And you'd feel it if she's doing something she's not supposed to."

"You're right," She let out another breath. "I'll get back to work."


Lily's POV

Riley dropped me back off at the park. Before she left, she handed me her address on a little card and told me I could always come over. She really seemed genuine about wanting to help me.

When she was gone, I sat on a bench, sighing. What was I supposed to do now? Should I go back home? They'd kill me. Should I go back to Catherine? She's dangerous, apparently.

Did I believe the numbers? Was Catherine dangerous? Well, there was this time, when she was in her bloody-form, where she actually scared me. Though I could control her afterward...

Maybe I should confront Catherine with what I learned, with what the numbers told me. But, if what the numbers told me is true, Catherine won't take it well.

I got up, deciding to stay safe in the first place. I'll have to act like nothing happened and in the meantime, I'll look for an escape. I should've listened to you, dad, I thought. He'd know what to do.

I walked to Catherine's office, since I had told her I would. When the people at the entrance saw me, they smiled and welcomed me. Another one of them picked up a phone, I'm assuming to inform Catherine.

When I got upstairs, I walked through the workplace, where people still liked to look at me. Then I arrived at Esmee's office. Before entering, I remembered what the numbers told me. She's dangerous too, apparently. Though I felt like she was softer than Catherine, in a way.

I let out a breath, to relax, and entered. "Hey Esmee."

She looked up, immediately smiling as she saw me. "Hello Lily, you can go straight through. Catherine's been impatiently waiting for your arrival."

I smiled as I walked to Catherine's office. I entered, without thinking too much. "Hey Catherine."

She looked up, a smile appeared immediately as well. And I was wondering: was this smile genuine? Did she miss me? Was she really that excited for me being here? "You're here. Finally." She motioned to her lap, obviously wanting me to sit on it.

I smiled as I walked to her and sat on her lap. "I told you I'd come by at the end of the day, so we could go home together."

She caressed my face. "I missed you." She leaned in, wanting a kiss, but I looked away.

"What are you working on?" I asked as I motioned to her desk, filled with papers. "Looks difficult."

She pulled me closer, and let her head rest on my shoulder. "A lot of orders, finances etc. Boring stuff."

Now was my chance. "What orders?" I took a piece of paper. "What are you shipping?" I tried reading the paper, but Catherine took it from me before I could.

"Cargo." She simply stated. "Why?"

"What cargo?" I asked as I tried reading another piece of paper.

Catherine also took that one before pulling up, now really showing off her strength. "Lily, what's wrong?" She walked us away from the desk. Right now we stood in the middle of her office, me in her arms like a child. "Did something happen?"

I gulped, she was good. Maybe she saw right through me? In that case, she should be able to see what was going through me though... "I just realized that I didn't know much about your company," I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her neck. "I just like to know what you're doing for work."

Catherine's worried expression changed into a smile again. "You're that interested in my life?"

"Of course," I kissed her cheek. "You're my girlfriend after all."

"True," Catherine then pulled me closer to her. "So as your girlfriend, can I get a kiss?" She then presented her lips, ready to be kissed.

I leaned in and kissed her, I tried forgetting about the things the numbers have told me. And honestly, when I was kissing Catherine like I am doing right now, I couldn't see her as the evil person. I really liked her... Or maybe... Maybe it's more than that. Did I love her?

Catherine enjoyed the kiss as well, pulling me closer and closer, obviously showing her desire for more love. She pulled back, rather soon. "Let's go home, where we can continue." She pecked my lips again before putting me back down on the ground. She took her phone and then my hand, leading me out of her office. "Goodnight, Esmee."

"I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled at us.

Catherine led us all the way to her car, once again the one Peter was driving. We both got in. "Get us home, Peter. And hurry."

I looked at Catherine, was she that excited to get home? What did she think was going to happen? "Drive safely though." I said to Peter.

Catherine chuckled before taking my hand in hers again, something she loved doing. "I really missed you today." She smiled. "How was your day actually? What did you do?"

I shrugged. "It was a normal day. I just walked around town," I then smiled at her. "So nothing special."

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