Chapter 41: The incident

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Lily's POV

"Yeah," The guy, with the walkie-talkie, said into the walkie-talkie. He was hearing instructions in his ear. "Yes, the target's neutralized. Ok." He then came back into the room. "They're on their way."

"Good," The woman looked at me. "I wonder what they'll do to her."

I gulped, looking around more. Maybe I should try to escape? But how would I even do that? I'm literally tied up like a worm...

Then I heard footsteps in the workplace. By the sound of it, they were headed straight to here.

"Target's right there." The guy pointed at me.

More people entered the office, all wearing armored suits like the three people who caught me. One of those people knelt in front of me, he looked at me with a stern face. "She is indeed one of them."

"I told you," The woman from before said. "So what will be her punishment?"

The man got up again. "We'll have to ask our leader."

"Well, where is she?" The woman was clearly impatient. Though if they were talking about Catherine, she'd save me. Unless I did something very wrong. There must be a reason why they 'arrested' me.

"She's on her way," The guy looked at the original crew that caught me. "Good work, you three."

"Sir," A guy from outside the office came in. "Our leader is here."

"Let her in." The guy said confidently. And indeed, in came Catherine. I was saved! "Here she is, Milady." He motioned to me.

Catherine looked at me. "Lily!" She hurried to me, immediately caressing my face. "Are you ok?" Before waiting for my reply, she looked at the people in the office. "Free her, now!"

"But Milady, she's our enemy." The woman, who was so focused on punishing me, said. "Look." She motioned at me.

By now I was finally freed. "I don't know why they caught me, I came here to be with you." I told Catherine, but saw her getting up and backing off.

"Catherine?" Esmee entered the office as well. She looked at me, since Catherine was looking at me, but then seemed shocked as well.

I got up and walked to them. "What?"

Esmee gulped. "Lily, what are you wearing?"

I looked at my clothes before looking at them. "I got these clothes from the house," I then looked at Catherine. "You told me I could take some clothes out of the closet."

"Those clothes weren't in that closet." Catherine seemed scared almost. "Where did you get those?"

"I got the pants out of the closet of the room you gave me," I started to which she nodded. "The hoodie I found in another room."

Catherine buried her face in her hands. Esmee seemed worried. "What room?" She continued.

"Uhm... I don't know, the one with symbols on the wall."

Catherine looked at me again. "You went into that room?"

I gulped, I felt so bad suddenly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I couldn't."

Catherine sighed before looking at the people that were in the office with us. "Go back to your work, send everyone else back upstairs."

"Yes, Milady." One of them said before they all left. Finally.

Esmee closed the door behind them before returning to Catherine and I. "Lily," She looked down, she seemed to look for the right words. "That hoodie," She looked at it, then at me. "It belonged to someone really evil."

I looked at the hoodie before looking at her and Catherine. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I got a hold of the hoodie before taking it off. "I won't go in that room anymore." I then threw it onto the ground. "Uhm can I borrow your jacket?"

Catherine slowly nodded and took off her jacket awfully slow. She didn't move her eyes from my almost-naked upper body. I bet she enjoyed having a look. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I put on her jacket. "I'm sorry," I repeated. "I didn't want to hurt anyone."

Catherine smiled as she pulled me in for a hug. "It's ok."

"I'll get rid of this hoodie," Esmee said to Catherine. "Is there anything else I can do?"

"No, I've got it." Catherine then pulled back a bit. "Come," She took my hand and led us to her office. "What a nice surprise." She said as she sat down on the chair behind her desk.

I chuckled as she pulled me onto her lap. "A surprise it was, yes."

Catherine smiled at me as she caressed my body, once again showing how affectionate she was with me. "I love that you came to me."

"I just felt like seeing you," I replied honestly. I wrapped my arms around her neck. "I really like being with you."

Catherine pulled me closer, then leaned in to connect our lips. During the kiss she stayed seated while I scooted closer to her, pressing my body impossibly close to hers. As usual, the kiss felt great, it felt right. And this time there was no Marianne to interrupt our special moment.

We were going great. The sensual dance, our lips knew by now, kept going. My mind was focused on Catherine, and this amazing feeling she sparked within me.

After some time I felt her hands take a risk and go to the zipper of her jacket. She slowly zipped it down while kissing me.

I pulled back, breaking the kiss, and looked at her zipping it down. She did it slowly, taking her time to see how I felt about it.

When it was zipped down all the way, her hands slowly pulled the jacket off of me. Her hands slowly wrapped around me again, this time feeling my almost-naked upper body.

I looked at Catherine again, and noticed her eyes cloud over with something. Was that lust? Or love? Or admiration? Or maybe something completely else?

I felt her hands feel my upper body, but she was so gentle. Her touches were feather-light, as if she'd be afraid to hurt me. While she did that, she kept maintaining eye-contact with me. That to me felt good, she wanted me to feel good.

"This feels great," I informed her, immediately gaining a smile from her. "I really like you." I blushed immediately afterwards, I couldn't believe I actually told her.

One of her hands went to my cheek, caressing it. "I really like you too," She leaned in, kissing my lips again. But this kiss felt differently, it was gentle, almost a shy kiss. Her lips didn't stay attached on mine though, they soon kissed their way to my jaw and then to my neck. She kissed around my neck before ending on top of the bite marks, her bite marks. She wrapped one arm around me and held my face with the other, keeping me close to her while she kissed her bite mark.

I should be worried about this, about her possibly drinking more blood. But I wasn't. I trusted her and I finally realized I actually really really liked her.

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