Chapter 24: Mother Superior

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Lily's POV

"Lily, finally!" Dad was tapping his foot nervously on the ground while he was tapping his watch with his finger. "Have you seen what time it is?" Without waiting for my answer, he continued: "We have to go now."

"I'm ready," I took my jacket and put it on. "Let's go." I walked to his car and got in. I sat in the passenger's seat.

Dad kissed mom goodbye, as they always did before he'd go to work. And I couldn't help but wonder how my life would be later on. Who would I kiss? Who would kiss me? Would it be a human... Or one of them?

Dad got in the driver's seat. "I'm so ready to get this over with." He started the engine, going to Avan's house. We picked up uncle Bill and Avan, and then continued on to the location dad and his companions had agreed to meet.

When we arrived, I saw a giant house. Bigger than any I've ever seen. "Wow..." I got out of the car to have a better look. "This house is huge."

Avan came to stand next to me. "Too bad it has a terrible resident."

"Ok, everyone here." Dad ordered, to which all of us gathered around dad. Upon looking around I saw we were with about 8 people, us 4 and 4 soldiers from dad's work. "So we know the target's supposed to arrive home any time soon." He opened a map, showing off his master plan. Everything was thought about in detail, he clearly had put a lot of thought into this plan. "Is everything clear?" He asked as he handed everyone a gun.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone yelled back while pointing the guns at the sky. 

"Ok, let's go." He motioned everyone to go to their spot.

Avan and I were placed in trees. I wonder if that was because we were the youngest or because we'd be safer up here... Anyway, we'd have a great look at the leader.

And so the waiting began. Everyone seated at their spot, their guns right in front of them while they kept their eyes and ears open for any signs. It was eerily quiet.

Suddenly Avan nudged me.

I looked at him. "What?" I whispered, trying not to make too much noise.

He motioned me to shut up and then pointed to a car that was driving onto the driveway of this gigantic house.

Both of us readied our gun, as I saw others on the ground do it as well.

The car parked and came to a halt. Then the driver got out, a simple servant I assumed. He walked to the door and opened it, helping the leader out of the car. But when the leader revealed themselves, I dropped my jaw and gun.

"Shoot!" And then everyone started shooting at the leader.


"And then Lily dropped her gun..." Avan shook his head. "But thankfully all of us managed to catch the leader by surprise and now she's our prisoner." He smiled proudly as he told the story to the CAT. And no, not a cat, the CAT. It stands for the Council Against Them.

"You all did amazing work, soldiers." The CAT said. "We've locked the leader up, we'll do the execution live on television so everyone can see how we end them."

Everyone nodded in agreement, everyone smiled and was relieved. But I was left with more doubts, more worried and even more torn than I was before.

When the council meeting was over, everyone took a coffee and a piece of cake. They all made small talk. I took this as my chance to leave the room.

I snuck past the guards and slowly made my way to the prison.

The cage was put in the middle of a room. The cage was secured to the walls by iron cords and filmed from every angle.

And inside the cage was the leader, miserable and weak on the floor of the cage.

I slowly walked to the cage, gulping in the process. "Hey."

She looked up. "What do you want?" She was pissed, and I understood that completely.

"I'm sorry," I sat down on the ground in front of the cage. "I didn't know..." I looked down, at my fingers. "If I had known you were the leader..." I looked back at her. "Why didn't you tell me, Catherine?"

She looked from me to the ground, shrugging. "What does it matter now?"

She looked so sad, broken almost. She looked like she was disappointed. Was she disappointed in me? In herself? In anything else? "I'm sorry." I repeated, it was really all I could do.

Catherine shrugged.

I should go, I thought. But I couldn't leave her, not like this. I didn't want to leave her, I knew what they wanted to do with her. I couldn't let that happen, could I?

I looked at the cameras, all aimed at the cage. I'd have to find a way to disable them before actually trying something.

"Look, I'll get you out of here," I scooted closer, making her look at me. "I promise." I whispered.

She didn't say anything, she just looked at me for a bit before looking down again.

I sighed and got up. "I'll hurry." I then ran off, running towards the dining area. I shot a quick look inside, noticing that everyone was still there. Now's my chance, I thought.

I ran to the maintenance-room. The door was locked but luckily for me, people who work here can get in. But it'd require me to put my finger on the fingerprint-scan. Meaning that, when Catherine escapes, they'll easily track it down to me...

I thought it over. That is for sure a risk, was I willing to take it?

I put my finger on the scanner and the maintenance-room opened. I entered and looked around at the cameras that were recording every room in this building. And there she was, in the cage.

I quickly disabled all cameras, erasing any evidence. I then deleted the recordings of the whole day, that way no one would see my conversation with Catherine.

And now there was only one more button to press. I let out a breath before pressing it, freeing Catherine. 

The alarms soon went off throughout the whole building, signalizing it worked. She had escaped. I had helped the Mother Superior...

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