Chapter 4: The job offer

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Lily's POV

The next day I woke up early, earlier than I had to. I couldn't sleep, I was too curious. My mind kept going back to that building. I don't know what it was but I felt so curious about it, as if I needed to be there. But why?

So, to pass time, I got ready for school earlier. I had breakfast on my own, in front of the tv. It was nice, for once. It was nice having some time for me alone.

When I was done with breakfast, I put the empty bowl on the coffee table. That's when I noticed the paper again. The paper with the jobs. I should look at it again, I thought.

I sighed and took the paper. I read all the jobs, giving them all my attention. I was assuming that they wouldn't post their job offers in our papers. I'm hoping they didn't.

I saw a few job offers I liked, one in particular. It was a job offer for that building. I recognized the address. I smiled as I encircled it, I'll go by after school.

"Good morning," Mom entered the kitchen immediately. She usually made breakfast for us, and today was no exception. "You're early."

I got up and walked to the kitchen. "I couldn't sleep anymore." I put my empty bowl by the dirty dishes.

"Lily," Mom put everything down and gave me all her attention. "Did something happen last night, outside, past curfew?"


She shrugged. "You tell me."

I thought back at that woman. How she wasn't acting like any other woman I know, yet she didn't do anything that'd suggest she's one of them.


I looked back at mom. "No," I slowly smiled, trying to make her forget about the subject. "I'm all good."


"So, were your parents upset?"

I looked at Avan, as we were walking through the hallways. It always gave me a boost of confidence, walking around with him. He was a very good-looking guy, and people adored him. And when I was with him, people adored me as well. "When?"

We arrived at our lockers. Avan took his stuff out while I was leaning against mine, I already had everything I needed. "Yesterday, you were out past curfew."

"Oh..." I sighed, standing up straight. "It could've gone better."

"So they were pissed?" He closed his locker again, and we continued our way to our classes.

"Yeah," I shrugged. "But I understand, they were worried."

"And, did you see anything outside?"

I looked at him. "Like what?"

"You know." He nudged me, giving me a look.

I chuckled and looked down, shaking my head. "Not really, our town's a ghost town after curfew. I was all alone."

Avan stopped walking which made me look at him. "And did you see any of..." He looked around, as if making sure no one would hear what he was going to say next. "Them?"

I shrugged. "I wouldn't know."

He didn't seem satisfied with my answer.

"I saw a woman though."

He looked up at me. "A woman?"

I nodded.

"And what about this woman?" He continued walking again, to which I followed him.

"She was out past curfew, I even think she doesn't care about curfew."

He looked at me, concern washed over his face. "She's one of them?"

"I thought so too." I looked down, thinking back at that situation yesterday. "It's just that it doesn't make sense."

"What doesn't?"

I looked at him. "She didn't hurt me, in fact, she saved me."

He raised his eyebrows. "One of them saved you? How?"

"Well she helped me get away from more danger." I looked away again. "I think."

He chuckled. "Sounds cool."

"I guess."


School was fine, not that interesting though. I wasn't able to focus, as usual. But this time it was serious. All I could think of was that woman. Who was she? And why did she save me? Was she one of them?

It just didn't make any sense. If she really was one of them, shouldn't she have eaten me? Or at least attacked me? But instead she helped me get away. Maybe not all of them are bad? Dad would so kill me if I'd say this in his presence...

Anyways, during classes I was also preparing myself for this interview I was going to tonight. I was going into that building. I was probably going to see that woman again. Should I thank her? Wouldn't that sound weird though...?

When school ended I was more nervous than I was excited, as before that was the other way around. I was nervous to actually go into that building, to go to that woman.

"Hey Lily." Avan smiled as he caught up to me. "What about a race?" Something he'd always do, he'd challenge me for a bike race back to my place. And he'd always win, because he cheats.

"No," I got on my bike. "I have to be somewhere."

Avan got on his bike and quickly rode after me, catching up on me. "Where?"

I looked around, making sure I wasn't going to miss the building. Even though I had been obsessed with it for the last few days...

"Lily?" Avan rode quicker only to stop right in front of me.

I had to stop abruptly. I groaned. "Avan, I have an appointment."


I sighed. "I have an appointment for a job offer."

He raised his eyebrows. "That was quick."

I nodded. "Can I pass?"

He let out a breath but let me pass through. He did however ride next to me. "So, this job, where is it?"

I stopped and smiled.


I motioned to the tall building that was now in front of us.

Avan looked from the building to me. "There?" He pointed to it. "You're going to work there?" He chuckled a bit. "That's a serious company, Lily."

I rolled me eyes and passed him by. "I'll call you later on."

"Ok, don't get eaten though." He joked, and I knew. The worst part is, I actually feared that that could be reality for me, very soon...

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