Chapter 48: Plans

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Third person's POV

"Morning," Esmee smiled as she welcomed Catherine in the office, but she immediately noticed Catherine wasn't her usual self. She got up, following Catherine to her office. "Hey, what's wrong?"

Catherine sat down, sighing deeply. "Nothing... It's Lily."

"What happened?" Esmee sat down in front of Catherine.

"She woke up 5 times last night due to nightmares," Catherine leaned back in her chair, thinking. She had noticed the change in Lily's behavior and mood, she wondered why though. Why was Lily so scared all of the sudden? And what was she scared of? "I'm worried."

Esmee leaned in. "Those were nightmares though, scenarios the human brain forms out of fear. It's not real, Catherine."

"Exactly," Catherine looked away, Esmee had confirmed what she was thinking. "Lily's afraid of something," She then looked at Esmee. "Or someone."

Esmee didn't understand where Catherine was going with this until... "No!" She exclaimed. "You think she's scared of...?"

"Of me." Catherine let out a sigh. "I must've done something wrong." She shook her head. "I'm a terrible girlfriend."

"Ok, hold on," Esmee leaned even closer, taking Catherine's hand in hers. "You don't know for sure that she's scared of you, it could be anything else."

Catherine appreciated Esmee's positive attitude, and so she liked going along with her. "Like?"

Now Esmee was thinking about what possible things Lily could be afraid of. "Maybe her family, the way they separated wasn't the best."

Then it was Catherine's turn to sigh. "I can't believe I forgot about her family..." She took the phone from her office, but put the telephone receiver back down. "Do we have her dad's phone number?"

"Uhm... Maybe in her file," Esmee got up and left for her office. She was back almost immediately, since Lily's file was always close by. Esmee sat back down in front of Catherine. She opened the file and read into Lily's contact details. "Here," She pointed to a number. "Her house phone."

Catherine picked up the telephone receiver again and dialed the number while looking at the file, making sure she'd put in the right numbers. When she was done, she waited.


Catherine sat up straight, her professional attitude took over. "Hello Mrs. Faulkner, I need to see you and your husband asap."

"Who are you?"

"I think we both know who I am," She looked at Esmee, for some support. When Esmee nodded, Catherine knew she was doing the right thing. "Come to my office, both of you, within an hour." She then ended the call.

"You did well," Esmee smiled as she held Catherine's hands in hers. "I'll arrange extra security though." She then got up. "Make sure you keep Lily away from here." She then left back to her office, arranging tonight's meeting.

Catherine nodded before taking her personal phone. She dialed the number of the only person that could help her right now. "Marianne, I need your help."


Lily's POV


I slowly opened my eyes. In front of me, there was a vague figure looking at me. I tried focusing my eyes on the figure, and slowly it adjusted on the figure. "Marianne?"

"You've been sleeping in late today," She walked to the curtains and opened them, letting in all the sunlight. "Rise and shine, sweetie."

I slowly sat up, stretching.

Marianne came back to the bed and sat down next to me. "How are you?"

I looked at her, why was she suddenly so... Caring, loving, nice? "I'm fine."

She patted my leg. "Catherine told me you had nightmares," She started to which I looked down. "Are you sure you're ok?"

I sighed.

"You know you can tell me about it," She said to which I looked at her. She showed me a small smile. "I won't bite you, I'm on your side." She then gave me a certain look.

But it left me confused. "What?"

"I'm a human too," She said to which I raised my eyebrows. "And I know how it must be overwhelming to be surrounded by all of them."

Then I smiled, for once I felt really understood. She was in the same situation as me: a human in a world of them.

"So tell me," She took my hand in hers. "Was your dream about them?"

I gulped but slowly nodded.

"Are you afraid they might hurt you?"

I nodded again. "I trust them though," I sighed. "I don't know why I'm afraid, I just..." I paused, then sighed.

She nodded. "I understand."

I let out a deep breath again. I think I'm feeling better now, strangely because of Marianne. Because now that I knew she's a human as well, I didn't feel alone anymore. Would there be others? "Are there more humans here?"

Marianne seemed surprised by my question. "Benjamin's a human as well."

"Cool," I smiled, already planning to talk to him. "And what brought you two here?"

Marianne didn't seem to like that question. "My husband works for Catherine," She cleared her throat. "Peter, her driver."

"So Peter's your husband? That's so cool." I smiled even more. I loved hearing this, it made this house more... Human.

Marianne smiled as well.

"And Benjamin? Why is he here?" I then realized that sounded wrong. "I mean, what brought him here?"

Marianne leaned back a bit. "He's my son."

My smile just increased. "That's so cute!"

"I'm happy to see you're feeling better," She then got up. "Come on, get up. Remy has made you a nice breakfast meal."

And so I got up. "Perfect, I'm hungry."

"Get dressed, I'll be waiting downstairs for you." And so she left.

I smiled, I felt way better. Maybe I could go to her now whenever I felt lonely. Or when I need advice. And we could talk about being in a relationship with one of them. Maybe I've found myself a companion in this crazy new life?

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