Chapter 36: Let's meet everyone

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Third person's POV

John was pacing around his house, holding his emergency phone in his hands. He had been waiting impatiently for Lily's call, he needed to talk to her. He needed to warn her, advising her on what to do.

But she didn't call. And he wondered why she didn't. Maybe the person, they encountered at that office, didn't deliver the news yet. But why wouldn't she? He had spared her life just so she could go to Lily. Why would she not do that?

"John," Betty, his wife, said. She took a hold of his arm, making him look at her. "Give her time. She's probably still in shock about what happened."

He sighed, realizing his wife was probably right. "I just need to know she's safe," He then looked at his watch. "Tonight's a lunar eclipse, she can't be with them. Especially not with the Mother Superior."

"I know," Betty sighed too. "But you've taught her well, she'll know what to do."

"I hope so."

Suddenly the doorbell rang. Betty let go of her husband and went to the front door, opening it. "Hello." She greeted Avan and his parents.

"Any news from Lily?" Avan immediately asked.

John sighed as he went to sit down. "Nothing," He looked at the emergency phone again, as if it would suddenly ring. "Not even a text."

"Maybe she's not with that woman?" Bill tried. He didn't know why his brother was so sure that that woman in the office knew where Lily was. Sure, Lily had worked there, but that doesn't mean that that woman knew Lily personally.

Avan nodded. "Maybe she's on her own."

"Then she'd be dead already." John looked down. "I know she's with them, I saw it in that woman's eyes."

"Maybe we have to go back to her then?" Bill suggested, gaining his brother's full attention. "Maybe she was too much in shock that we caught her."

"Maybe we have to go alone, without extra backup?" Avan continued. "She probably didn't even listen to what we said since we were all geared up."

"We can't just go without gear," John sighed. "What if she attacks us?"

"Then we're still three against one." Avan smiled, he liked those odds. "Let's go to her." He got up, expecting his dad and uncle to follow. But they didn't. "Come on!"

"Avan," Bill said to his son, motioning him to wait. "We need a plan, we can't just go in there."

"Correct," John agreed with his brother. "We can't forget that that building is filled with them. If they'd turn, we're dead."

Avan let out a breath, realizing that his separation from Lily would continue a bit longer.


Lily's POV

We arrived at Catherine's house, the place I first learned she was the Mother Superior. When I got out of the car and walked onto the driveway, I stopped. This was the exact spot my dad's team shot her. It was so weird being back here.

"Are you ok?" She asked as she put her hand on my shoulder.

I looked at her. "Yeah," I then smiled a bit. "Just remembered my mistake."

"Lily, everyone makes mistakes. It's what you do to make things right that defines you." She smiled. "And you risked everything to help me."

"Yeah," I then looked at the gigantic house. It was a house straight out of a movie, one of a billionaire. "You have a lovely house."

She smiled. "Thanks," She then walked to the front door. "I've been living in this house for almost 10 years now."

I nodded, taking in the beauty of this house. I'd say that this house is one of those houses I've always dreamed about having, but could never afford it. So, seeing this made me even more curious about Catherine's wealth.

We entered the house and were greeted by some people. 

Catherine introduced me to her staff. The soldiers, that patrolled around and inside the house. Her personal driver, the one I had seen before. The kitchen staff that made meals, even for humans. The cleaning staff, who were in charge of keeping this house spotless. And the nursing staff, which consisted of 2 doctors and 3 nurses. I liked those nurses, they smiled at me. Though one stood out to me. She was a woman, I'd say in her 40s. It was clear that she was in charge of the other two nurses.

"Good morning, Catherine." That nurse, that stood out to me, smiled at Catherine, then they went for a hug. It was clear that they were close, too close to just be boss and employee.

They got out of the hug, Catherine then looked at me. "This is Marianne, she's one of my nurses," She then looked at Marianne. "And a very close friend of mine."

I looked at Marianne. "Nice meeting you, I'm Lily."

"Hello Lily." She shook my hand and smiled at me. "Are you Catherine's new girlfriend?"

I immediately became red. "I uhm..." I looked at Catherine, asking for help. If I were to answer this question honestly, I'd say I don't know what we are. Maybe I'd see myself as her girlfriend, seeing as we've kissed, but Catherine's such a mystery.

"We're getting there," Catherine said, then she pulled me with her. "We'll see you later."

"Are you going to show her around?" Marianne asked again. For some reason, she seemed like a mother-figure. And maybe she was just that to Catherine.

"Yeah," She pushed me up the stairs. "Can you tell Remy to prepare us lunch? A human meal."

Marianne nodded and left.

We walked up the stairs, from there Catherine led me straight to a room. It was the room with the biggest doors, so I'm pretty sure I could find it myself too next time.

We entered. "So this is my room." Catherine motioned to the big room.

I looked around. "This room is huge!" I looked at the pictures on the shelves, the signs on the walls, the decoration in the room. It was clear she had a lot of money.

"Yeah, I like big spaces."

"I can see that," I then looked at her. "Though there's one thing I don't understand."

Catherine raised an eyebrow. "Which is?"

"Why do you need a bedroom? I mean, your kind doesn't sleep."

Catherine chuckled before sitting down on her bed. "We do sleep, actually. Humans just tend to hold on to those myths about our kind."

Now it was my time to raise my eyebrows. I felt like the more I talked to Catherine, the more I learned that everything I was taught, was actually wrong information. "What do you mean?"

"Just like I said it."

Before I could say anything else, the door opened. "Lunch is served." Marianne smiled.

"Ok," Catherine got up, then she looked at me. "Let's eat."


Just wanted to say: Happy Halloween 🧛

- LxT4ever

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