Chapter 33: What's happening?

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Lily's POV

I closed my eyes, I didn't want to see her kill me. I wanted to drift off to sleep, maybe that way the pain wouldn't be too bad...

Then I screamed loudly. I started crying, my breathing intensified while I forcefully kept my eyes close. I was in so much pain, it hurts so much.

Catherine had bitten me, her teeth were in my neck, sucking the blood out of me. She was sucking like crazy, like she didn't have blood in a while. She also made sure she had pinned me down, there was no escape for me.

After the initial shock, I tried processing what was happening and how it was making me feel. Honestly, I had expected to be dead already, yet here I was. She wasn't hurting me, she was simply sucking my blood. But maybe this was the first step?

I opened my eyes and looked around. I saw Catherine still in my neck area, I also felt her suck my blood still. It's funny, the feeling. It didn't feel that bad, it tickled a bit. But no pain. Something I hadn't expected.

I wanted to look around for an escape but realized I couldn't move my head since my neck was occupied. I had to wait.

Or maybe I should try my arms? I gently moved them, signalizing Catherine I wanted them back. Strangely enough, she didn't seem to realize this, so I could easily take my arms back from her.

But what was I going to do with them? I can't just push her away, she'll attack me again. But not using them feels like a waste of time.

Maybe I should wait?

And so I waited. But Catherine kept going and going, and I started feeling the effects of blood-loss. She needed to stop, and fast!

"Catherine," I started nudging her, hoping to make her stop that way. "Stop, you're taking too much." I pushed again and again, but no response.

I sighed, maybe this is the way she wanted to kill me? Honestly, I'd prefer this way of dying, it was a slow and painless death.

Maybe I should be grateful that the Mother Superior isn't going to murder me in cold blood. Maybe I am lucky that Catherine likes me.

I sighed. Catherine... I'd do anything to get one kiss before I die. That sounded like such a cliché, but it's really what I wanted now.

But I won't get it, not when she's like this. So I did what was closest to a kiss, I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the last hug I'd get from her.

Suddenly the sucking stopped, Catherine moved.

Now I got scared. Why had she stopped? Was she done? Maybe she had changed back? But wouldn't she talk to me then?

What if she was done sucking out blood? What if she continues by actually eating me now? Or killing me?

I should open my eyes, I thought. But who knows what I'll see.

I took a deep breath before opening my eyes, and I immediately regretted it. Right in front of me was the Mother Superior. Her teeth covered in blood, in my blood. Her arms on each side of my face, they tightened, trapping me closer to her. And strangely enough, a new skin mark had appeared. I gulped. Was I going to die? Was that what that skin mark suggested?

I kept looking at the Mother Superior, just like it was looking at me. It looked like she was waiting for something, as if I was supposed to do something now.

I thought. What should I do? 

Should I push her off again? No, that's only going to anger her. I don't need her to get angry.

Should I talk to her? Maybe. But what if she doesn't respond? What if that actually triggers something to which she'll attack me?

Should I just look at her? But what's that going to help? Then we'll be stuck here forever...

Maybe I should just hug her? She did stop sucking my neck when I did that. But maybe she'd attack me because I'm touching her?

I sighed but decided to go with the last idea I had. I should hug her. And so I did. I wrapped my arms properly around her and started caressing her back. I showed her a small smile. Think about Catherine, I thought.

But the Mother Superior didn't seem to respond. In fact, she just stared at me. What did she want? What was I supposed to do with this? I was so confused!

I gulped. "What?" I finally managed to say.

This is the moment she actually did respond. She tilted her head to one side, indicating she was listening to me.

Good, this works. But what should I say? What's a good thing to say to her? "You have blood on your teeth." It was the first thing that came to mind.

She lifted one hand and started cleaning her mouth and teeth. Was she listening to me? Like actually listening?

I gulped, realizing my next action might be too risky. But I had to try it. "Get up."

And she did. She just got up. Then she looked at me.

I sat up. I was shocked. This was unreal. Was she actually listening to me? "My neck's bleeding, get something to fix it."

And she left to the connected bathroom to this room. I heard her going through some stuff.

While she was gone, I processed this new information. She had sucked my blood, I hugged her and now she's listening to me. The Mother Superior, leader of all of them, is listening to me... Why?

She came back with tissues and needles. I gulped. "No no, get some bandages."

She left again to the bathroom.

I looked at the door. Should I try to escape? I got up and went to the door, trying the handle again. The door was clearly locked. Where would the key be?

I looked around. I remember Catherine didn't spend much time at the door... The key has to be around the door somewhere. I looked on top of closets and on shelves. I didn't find it. The only other place it could be at was...

I gulped. "Come here."

Catherine came to me, standing right in front of me. It was unreal that a monster like this wasn't attacking me.

"Give keys to this room."

Catherine reached in her pockets and handed the key to me.

"Find bandages."

She left again to the bathroom.

I looked at the door, immediately trying to open it. I realized that bossing Catherine around isn't going to last forever. And I didn't want to be there when the effect wears off.

I opened the door and ran downstairs. But in doing so, I heard footsteps upstairs as well. I think the Mother Superior's running too.

I ran to the front door and quickly opened it, but stopped when I saw Esmee.

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