Chapter 15: The raid

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Lily's POV

After school, I waited outside the building. Dad had told me this morning that he'd pick me up from here so we'd go straight to work afterwards.

I have to admit, I was a bit nervous. With dad's work there's always a chance of meeting them. I couldn't imagine that. But I do wonder what they'd look like from up close, what they'd say, how they'd behave and stuff like that. Most of all, I hope I won't be in a fight with one.

I got brought back to reality by a honk. Dad was honking away, waving excitedly at me. I could see he couldn't wait to start working together, and showing his daughter off at his work.

I entered the car and put my seat belt on. I let out a breath.

"Ready to go?" Dad was really excited, I noticed it even in his voice. And don't get me started on the twinkles in his eyes. I bet this is what he always dreamed off, ever since I was born.

I nodded. "I hope I won't come face to face with them."

Dad started the car and quickly left the school's parking lot. "You could be," He turned on to the fast lane to get to work. "But you're trained for that."

I gulped but looked away, deciding I better not ask more about the job. I knew that I could chicken out now, and I really didn't want that. Not after I saw how happy dad was.

So after a couple of minutes driving, dad parked his car at this tall building. It was clear, just by looking at it, that this was a building owned by the government. So technically, when I do this job, I'm working for the government. Wow...

We entered the building and went to floor 12, apparently dad was the boss of this floor. Kind of like Catherine in that other building. Why am I still thinking about that place? They don't care about me.

Dad introduced me to all his co-workers, though only 5 of them were the most important, they were his elite-group of fighters. Whenever they get a call, it's always these 5 and my dad to go to the crime scene.

And so we sat around the table, going over the basics. And dad was right, I knew a lot of the things he was telling here. He taught me all the tactics, all the techniques when I was little. So hearing all this, I started feeling more comfortable, I felt as if I belonged here. It was good.

The meeting lasted for an hour before we took a break. Some of the guys went outside, to smoke, while the others talked to each other or to dad.

"Hey," I looked up, seeing a pretty young man smile at me. "So you're joining our team?"

I observed him. The way he was looking at me and acting towards me. I think he thinks I can't do this. "Yes, I am."

He chuckled, revealing his white teeth. This guy was polished, that's for sure. For some reason I thought that was odd, a fighter who looked squeaky clean. Maybe that's just me.

"So are you ready to fight demons?" He smirked, probably thinking I wasn't going to be able to handle myself. Boy was he wrong.

"Yes," I then looked away, hoping for this conversation to be over. "Don't worry." I added after some time.

He didn't respond anymore since break was over. Dad continued the meeting, going over tactics, when suddenly the phone buzzed. He got up and listened to what was being said while the rest of us just watched. I think these men knew what was going to happen, I did too but that didn't stop me from not being nervous.

Dad hung up and looked at us. "There's a raid at the local retirement home." He sighed before taking his gear. "Let's go."

Driving through the night sky, going to this crime scene where they are... I don't know how I was feeling. I knew I was going to be safe. I was geared up completely: armor, shield, special sword. I almost felt like a knight.

Even though I was protected, I was still wondering how it'd be, fighting against them. What would they do? How would they work and fight? 

"Lily?" I looked up, seeing dad standing at the open car-door. "Come on, the rest's already inside."

We ran into the building. And it was indeed a raid, but not a raid I had thought off. They weren't raiding the place, they were raiding the people, of their blood!

I looked around, seeing the elite-group fight them off. Some of them were killed immediately by the special swords we had. Others were dodging the attacks and instead harmed us.

I gulped, I was overwhelmed by the scene in front of me, but I had to help. This was my job now.

I looked around and, as soon as I saw one of them, launched myself at them. I fought and tried killing it. I took this opportunity to have a better look at one of them. They were exactly as I had imagined them to be. Beautiful...

"Lily!" The one in front of me got sliced in half, right in front of my own eyes. Dad stepped forward, caressing my upper arm. "Are you ok?" Was I ok? I just called on of them beautiful... What's wrong with me?

"Yes," I looked up, seeing some flee to the upstairs. "Let's get them!"

Dad and me ran upstairs and chased a few of them. "Lily, go behind that one, I'm taking these!" Dad ran after two of them while I ran after one.

I followed it closely until it was locked up in a room. It was looking at me, as much as it could. For some reasons they were all covered up, hiding their faces and bodies. I think they planned on keeping this quiet. But they failed.

I raised my special sword, I was ready to end this right here. "You're done." I felt so powerful in that situation. I knew that between the two of us, I'll come out stronger. Though, why does the universe always proves me wrong?

"Don't," That voice... It raised it's arms, only to pull back it's hood to show it's face. "It's me."

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