Chapter 13: We've got company

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Esmee's POV

I was busy going through the orders we were working on. It's amazing how our clients thought they could demand more cargo. They know the cargo we have isn't that much, but we're working on it. At least that's what Catherine's been telling our clientele.

Speaking off Catherine, she should've been here. She's never late, yet today she was. I took my phone and dialed her number when I suddenly heard a phone buzzing.

I looked up and saw Catherine entering my office. "I'm here." she said, motioning to her phone.

I ended the call. "You're late."

"I know," She hurried to her own office, to which I followed her. "I had a long night."


She turned around, looking at me. "It's not what you think." She put her stuff aside and then sat down at her desk.

"What happened?" I sat down as well.

She sighed. "I broke up with Suzy last night," She looked at me, showing me a face that said it didn't go that easy. "Why do all these potentials have to be so hard to lose?"

I chuckled. "They're people, Catherine."

"So?" She logged on to her computer. "It's so exhausting."

I chuckled once again before we were both startled by a knock on my office door. I got up and walked to my office. I saw a man standing there, but not just any man. It was Lily's dad.

I gulped before motioning Lily's dad he could enter my office. Which he did. "I want to speak to her." He pointed straight to Catherine.

I looked from him to Catherine, who didn't look pleased. But she motioned him to enter her office.

He did and sat down.

"Esmee, can you close the door?"

I nodded and did as she asked me to. I then went to my desk and sat down, waiting. I hope that nothing bad's going on in there...


Third person's POV

Catherine sat in her chair, looking at the man in front of her. She had no idea who he was, but he wasn't here for no reason.

Lily's dad was furious. He was sure that the 'friend' Lily was talking about wasn't her friend, there was more to it. He knew there was more to it. But he never imagined seeing that 'friend' as her boss.

"What can I do for you?" Catherine asked. She tried keeping a straight face. Her posture was straight, her hands in front of her.

John's eyebrows were still looking angrily. He was pissed. "How dare you."

Catherine immediately sat back in her chair, creating some distance between her and the man in front of her. She had no idea what was going on, but she knew she'd be amused by what he was going to tell her.

"How dare you getting intimate with my girl!"

Catherine raised her eyebrows. "Your girl?" Was this Lily's dad, she wondered, though I didn't get intimate with Lily.

"Lily Faulkner, doesn't that ring any bells?"

Catherine sighed and sat up straight again. Now she knew he was her father. "Listen Mr.Faulkner, I can assure you that nothing happened between your daughter and I. We are very professional here."

"That's why you give all your employees a ride home!" He mocked her. And Catherine didn't like that. In fact, she'd mock him right back.

"Lily needed a solution. She couldn't be out past curfew, I thought a special agent like you would know that." She smirked triumphantly. She enjoyed knowing she was right, though she wasn't finished. "And, Mr Faulkner, me or my assistant have to drive her home, who else would bring her home safely?"

I can't let her win, he thought, not again. "I do want Lily to be home and safe, that's why I don't want you or your assistant near her."

"That's not really nice, Mr Faulkner." Catherine sat back in her chair, she knew she won, she could rest. "Then what else do you suggest we'd do?"

"Lily's quitting." He got up. "Give her all the necessary documents tonight. I'll be hearing from her, so don't think about doing anything." He then leaned closer to her, his face merely a few inches away from hers. "I know what you are, if you want to stay alive, you better listen." He then retrieved and left the office, leaving Catherine in shock.


Lily's POV

That evening, I hurried to work. I was excited again, I wasn't afraid or worried about Catherine anymore. Everything was good.

And so when I arrived, I quickly secured my bike and hurried up to the elevator and then to the top floor. I arrived and greeted my co-workers. They greeted me back. I felt good here. I felt accepted.

It was only when I arrived at the supply-room that my excitement fell. "Lily, we've been waiting for you."

I looked at Esmee, who wasn't looking that happy. I wonder if something happened. "I'm here," I blinked, still wondering what was going on. Who's we? Her and Catherine? The staff? "What's wrong?"

"Come," She walked out of the supply-room and went straight to her office. We both entered and had a seat. "We need to talk to you."


That's when the door to Catherine's office opened and Catherine came into Esmee's office. "Yes," Catherine sat down next to Esmee. "We."

I gulped, looking down. I felt shame, for some reason. Maybe I didn't do a good job, maybe they weren't that pleased with my work as I was. Maybe... I don't know.

Catherine sighed. "We have to let you go, Lily."

I looked up at her. I looked at her face, right into her eyes, and I knew something was wrong. "Why? Am I not doing a good job?"

She looked away, instead she looked at Esmee. Esmee clearly got the hint and continued on. "We realized that this might not be the best job for you."

"Why not?" I realized I was being defensive, but I couldn't let it go just like that. I knew something else was going on. "If I made mistakes, help me get better."

Esmee looked away now too. They were both terrible liars, that's for sure.

"Please." I said softly, gaining the attention of them immediately. "I really like it here."

Catherine sighed. She took two papers from Esmee's desk and handed them to me. "I'm sorry."

I looked at the papers and noticed I was fired. They had just fired me. I looked back at them, seeing them give me an apologetic look. I knew something else was going on, but they were both cowards for not telling me what it was.

"Ok," I got up. "I'm sorry that I disappointed you two." I took my stuff and walked to the office door. "Thank you for the opportunity." And I left.

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