Chapter 65: On a mission

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Lily's POV

When Catherine's busy with something, I'm always left behind. Usually, I keep myself busy with Emily: playing with her, bathing her, feeding her... But right now, she was sleeping.

So I was in the dining room, reading the Bloodborn book Catherine had given me. Ever since I had this book, I've been reading it non stop. Whenever I'm free though.

This book was a source of information about Catherine's kind. The kind of information my kind should know.

"Good morning, Lily," Marianne smiled as she sat down at the dining table with me. "What are you reading?"

"A book I got from Catherine," I closed the book and looked at her. "About her kind."

"The Bloodborn book."

"You know about this book?" I asked as I motioned to the book.

Marianne nodded. "Lilian read that book too, she said it was very informative."

"I agree," I smiled as I looked back at the book. The cover always got to me, it was so mysterious in a way. "I'm hoping to find information to help Catherine."

"Help her with what?"

I looked at Marianne again. "To prevent her from going into her Bloodborn form," I sighed. "She's so afraid for that."

"I know," Marianne then reached for my hands, gently squeezing them in hers. "She doesn't want to become like her father."

I looked at Marianne, realizing this was my chance. "How is her father?"

Marianne seemed taken back by my question.

"Does Catherine have some personality traits that remind you of him?"

Marianne sighed as she squeezed my hands again. "Vernon is an evil person," She shook her head, seemingly thinking about Catherine's father. "He wasn't like the rest of his bloodline," She then looked at me. "It's good that he's locked away."

I looked down.

"Why are you so interested in him all of the sudden?"

I shrugged. "I feel like... If I want to help Catherine," I looked at Marianne. "I need to speak to her father."

That's when Marianne's eyes widened.

"I know Catherine won't let me go to him, so I was hoping if you could...?"

Marianne then released my hands. "Forget that," She then got up. "Don't even think about it anymore." She then left me alone again.

I sighed deeply before going back to the book.


Esmee's POV

"And this is the last one." I handed Catherine the last file.

She took it before opening it. "I'll be happy when we've processed all the orders," She then started typing on her computer. "We'll need fresh products." She then looked at me, an amused look on her face.

I chuckled. "What would Lily say if she heard you call her kind that?"

Catherine then rolled her eyes before continuing the order.

"But I agree," I said, going back to her previous comment. "We do need fresh humans. The ones we have are almost out."

Catherine nodded. "I'll send a patrol out tonight on a hunt."

I nodded.

"There," Catherine then closed the file and put it away with the other processed orders. "Ready to go for lunch?"

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