Chapter 22: Troubles

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Lily's POV

"We found it." Dad smiled even more excitedly.

"Found what?" I couldn't help but get excited as well.

"The source of all evil," He then came closer to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Tonight we'll kill the Mother Superior." 

I raised my eyebrows. "The Mother Superior?" I gulped. "But we know nothing about that person. What if he or she is too strong for us?"

Dad shook his head, quickly dismissing my doubts. It's moments like this that I worry he might be too confident. "We'll handle that monster." He then looked at his watch. "We'll leave in 2 hours, get some rest."

I nodded and then walked up the stairs to my room. I entered and then let out a breath. Is this really a good idea? Probably not. We know nothing about that leader, we don't know the powers he or she possesses, we don't know how he or she looks, we don't know if he or she has others helping him or her... It was way too risky, yet dad seemed so sure we could do it.

I laid down on my bed, looking at the ceiling. He's crazy... Dad's gotten crazy. He wants revenge so badly that he doesn't see the danger he's about to put us in.

I sat up, it just didn't feel right. This whole plan didn't feel right. Why should we kill their leader? Sure he or she is responsible for all of them, but still. He or she did nothing to us.

I looked at the window, part of me was hoping to see Catherine there again. I had the urge to talk to her. I wanted to express all of my doubts, my feelings, my worries...

I got up and walked to the window. I opened it, looking around for a sign of a bat. Of course there was none. It'd be too early for her to show up.

I looked at my phone. That's the only way to contact her, I thought. I took it and dialed her number. Come on, answer the phone.

"Hello, office of Miss Le Rouge, Esmee Cortez speaking. How may I help you?" I had to admit, Esmee sounded really good when she was in her professional mode.



"Is Catherine there?"

There was a pause. "Why do you need her?"

That was a weird question. Esmee never asked questions like that. "I need to speak to her. Is she there?"

Again a pause. "I'm sorry, I can't help you. Have a great day." And she ended the call.

I looked at my phone, puzzled by Esmee's weird behavior. She never acted like that to me, she never asked questions like that, she never shuts me out like she did just now... Something's wrong. And I was going to find out.

I looked at the door of my room. I walked to it and closed it. I then made my way to my window, taking a deep breath. I gently pulled my legs over the edge of the window frame. I tried remembering how Catherine did it.

After a slow but safe descent, I continued my way to my bike. I got on and rode towards the building. I was going to speak to Catherine.


Esmee's POV

It was a day like no other, well besides Catherine being awfully late. She worked hard now though, so she kind of made up for her lost time. I hope she's not going to do that again, she knows these days are the busiest of the year...

As I was going over orders, the phone rang. Without thinking about it, I went into automatic drive. "Hello, office of Miss Le Rouge, Esmee Cortez speaking. How may I help you?"


"Lily?" I smiled, well that's a lovely surprise.

"Is Catherine there?"

Just as I was about to answer, trouble entered my office. "Where's Catherine?" Suzy asked, she seemed depressed yet angry.

I sighed. "Suzy just go, it's over. Get over her."

She huffed before going into Catherine's office. This gesture made me worried and in a hurry to get to Catherine. I went back to Lily. "Why do you need her?"

"I need to speak to her. Is she there?"

Then I heard shouting in Catherine's office. Oh Suzy... I have to help Catherine. "I'm sorry, I can't help you. Have a great day." I ended the call there and hurried to Catherine's office.

I entered and saw Catherine seated on her chair, her facial expression said it all. She was so done with Suzy.

"Suzy," I said, gaining her attention. "Come on, go. Don't make this any more difficult."

She huffed. "What do you know?!" She walked to me, coming dangerously close to me. "I'm not going to let myself cast aside because I'm not good enough!" She then looked back at Catherine, she walked to the desk and put her hands on it, leaning closer to Catherine. "It's not my fault I couldn't give you what you want!"

Catherine sighed, she looked down. She always hated this part of the relationships with the humans.

Suzy then started sobbing, there was the sadness again. "Please," She leaned in closer, leaning even more onto Catherine's desk. "We were so good together," She crawled closer. "Give it another chance, it'll work, I promise."

Catherine looked from Suzy to me, gesturing me the sign. I nodded before going to my office and pressing a button. I went back to Catherine's office.

"Please, we can try again, right?" She tried again, I wonder if she realized she lost...

Finally in came two security agents. Each took an arm of Suzy and started escorting her out of the building, and hopefully out of our lives.

"No, you can't do this to me!" She fought back, just like all the others. "What we had was special! You know it!"

Catherine got up, following the security agents for a bit, just like me.

"Is there someone else?!" She shouted, now through the workplace. Of course coworkers' heads went up to listen to the drama. But they were used to it by now. "Who is she? Do I know her?"

The agents pushed on through until they stopped. I looked past them and saw Lily stand there, shocked to see the scene in front of her eyes.

"Look who we have here..." Suzy said then she looked at Catherine and me. "Is that her? Is that number 13?"

Catherine's eyes widened, as did mine. And Lily, she looked confused. 

"Get her out, now!" I shouted to the security agents, who then pulled even harder and took Suzy out.

Lily looked from them to us. "What did she mean?"

Catherine and I looked at each other, then at her.

"What's number 13?"

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