Chapter 18: We'll handle it

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Lily's POV

"You're dangerous." I stated to which they both seemed upset. "You were attacking a retirement home." I looked at them, observing their facial expression. "Why would I ever believe that this all isn't your fault?"

Esmee looked from me to Catherine, and Catherine looked at me. She looked determined. "Because you belong with us."

I blinked a few times, trying to figure out what exactly Catherine meant by that. "What?", was all I could mutter.

She scooted even closer, too close, yet I didn't stop her. In fact, I enjoyed it. What was wrong with me? "You belong with us," Catherine looked me deep in the eyes, her stare seemingly going straight through me. "You're special," She caressed my face. Her eyes going from my eyes to my lips, to my neck, back to my eyes. "To me." She added.

I gulped, pulling back my arms and creating some distance between me and Catherine. "What I did last night, I won't do again."

Esmee didn't seem to agree. "But - "

"No," But I wasn't having any of that. "It won't happen again. I already feel like I failed my dad." I let out a breath. "And humanity."

Catherine got up. "I don't want you to do that work anymore." This wasn't an opinion or a request, this was a demand. She didn't give me a choice, she wanted me to quit. Period.

"Well I need a job." I leaned back in my chair, realizing I was in my right. "And dad gladly showed me his job."

"Of course," Catherine sighed, she paced around the room. "He wants you to become like him." She then stopped behind me and placed her hands on both of my shoulders, which gave me goosebumps at first. "We don't want that."

I huffed before getting up. "This is my life," I took my coat, putting it on. "I came here because I wanted to make that clear." I then looked at Esmee. "I don't want to have to choose between you and my dad anymore, so don't make me."

She nodded and looked down, she had changed since last night. The once confident woman was gone, she was vulnerable and seemed insecure all of the sudden. Or maybe scared.

"Lily," Catherine held my lower arm, she really didn't want me to go. "We can explain."

"Catherine," Esmee quickly realized she was reacting too intense, so she quickly added, in a lower voice: "We shouldn't."

"Why not?" I looked from her to Catherine. "Just be honest with me," I looked back at Esmee. "You owe me that."

Esmee looked down, of course. She was afraid of something.

"Fine," I took my backpack and threw it over one shoulder. "Suit yourself, I don't care anymore." I walked past Catherine, neither of them stopped me, and that actually made me upset. Because deep down, I wanted them to stop me. I wanted them to tell me they needed me here. I wanted them to understand me.

Unfortunately I went home that day feeling even more lost than I did before.


Esmee's POV

As Lily walked away, Catherine and I were just quiet. Catherine was standing there, looking at the ground, probably thinking about what had just happened. While I was sitting here, feeling ashamed of putting Lily in that position yesterday. She really felt bad, and that was my fault.

Catherine eventually went to sit down in front of me and sighed deeply. "What do we do?" She covered her eyes with her hand, she was visibly tired of this situation. "What do I do?" She sighed once again.

I looked away, to nothing in particular.

Catherine looked at me, she seemed to notice something was wrong. "Why are you so quiet?" She scooted closer. "Is it because of what she said?"

I looked down, to my hands. "She was right," I looked up at Catherine. "About me."

Catherine raised her eyebrows, she probably didn't pay attention to that part. She was worried about the possible connection, not about what happened to me and Lily last night.

"I made her doubt everything she knew." I buried my face in my hands. "She'll have a hard time dealing with all of this because of me." I sighed deeply. "This isn't the way she should've found out," I looked back up at Catherine's (now) worried eyes. "About us, about our kind."

She reached for my hands, holding them tightly in hers. "What happened yesterday was unfortunate, but we can't reverse it. In fact, it proved us Lily is different than her family is. Which is good."

I slowly nodded.

"I'll talk to Lily about this all." She showed me a small smile. "Tonight."


Lily's POV

I arrived back home and put my bike on it's original spot, right next to the house. I then walked to the front door, opening it.

"Hey." I said with a sigh.

Mom soon came to me. "What's wrong, Lily?"

I shrugged and walked past her, only to see dad, uncle Bill, aunt Susan and Avan sit at the dining table. They were all having a drink, they seemed to be celebrating something.

"W-what's this?"

Mom came up behind me and guided me towards the table. She sat me down next to Avan.

"What is this?" I repeated, seeing as no one was telling me anything. "What are we celebrating?"

Dad smiled. "I'll give Bill the honor of telling you."

I looked from dad to uncle Bill, who seemed extremely proud. For some reason my first thought was that this celebration had something to do with Avan. And I was right.

"Well seeing as you learn a lot in your new job, fighting those monsters alongside your dad," He paused, looking from dad to me. "We as a family have decided that me and Avan will join you two."

"It's about time those monsters get what they deserve." Dad laughed alongside uncle Bill while they had both wrapped their arm around each other's shoulders.

"We'll show them." Avan seemed determined.

I looked at him. "Why is this happening?"

"Solely for that reason." He smiled. "We'll fight crime together, isn't that cool?" He put his arms in his sides and raised his chest, sitting down in a superman-pose. "We'll be superheroes."

I leaned back in my chair, sighing, realizing now that my whole family was working against them, against Esmee and Catherine.

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